Insane changelog.txt of Remnants of Naezith

28 Jul 2024

It’s been 6.5 years since Remnants of Naezith’s release and sometimes I can’t believe I actually completed that “giant” project. And one of the craziest part about it is the consistent changelog.txt file that I filled for years. I started making the game on August 2014 but I made that log file a bit later. I invented the format myself. I know it could be better to use ISO dates but I didn’t do that.

This is not autogenerated from Git history, it’s completely manually written.

Here is that beautiful beast:

22.03.2024, 00:38 - Fix performance issue introduced by the last Laser update.
18.02.2024, 17:57 - Add Switchable/Toggle Lasers. (Developed by, Funded by RawGreen)
11.09.2023, 00:01 - Add Ukrainian language.   
03.04.2023, 22:58 - Fixed the collision box of a portal placed with 315 degrees was smaller than others.   
            06:15 - Fixed a super rare hook clipping bug, solution by Snowball.
29.03.2023, 17:24 - Default FPS Cap 300 instead of 60. 
                    Fix head bonk causing collision box to expand for a tick.
19.03.2023, 18:21 - F11 saves replay to %ron_directory%/replays folder. 
                    Replay files in %ron_directory%/replays are imported as ghost.
                    Show Ghosts Only On Replays setting hides rival ghost as well.
12.03.2023, 16:02 - Add "Show Ghosts Only On Replays" setting.
                    Improve French localization.
            12:09 - Second color is now more visible in the dash particles.
            11:49 - Hid multi-replay ghost white light.
10.03.2023, 23:13 - Multi-replay and multi-ghost features!
20.02.2023, 00:48 - Added Dream Swing link to main menu.
26.07.2022, 22:03 - Mouse button support for gameplay inputs.
                    Text input in Custom Level Search page requires needs an extra step now.
15.09.2021, 22:08 - Fix an ultra rare crash.
09.09.2020, 19:27 - Set User-Agent manually, changing libsfml-network name which is blocked at some networks.
07.08.2020, 09:03 - Fix an ultra rare wall jump bug. Thanks to JSL for the bug hunts, and snowball for the fixes.
22.07.2020, 16:13 - Fix a very rare instant spawn case.
17.06.2020, 13:14 - Heavily optimize lasers.
                    Optimize player-object collisions.
                    Optimize tile collisions.
04.05.2020, 17:47 - Larger space for Rank/PlayerCount columns.
                    Game launches without manual .so file disabling on some platforms, it's automatic now. 
                    Increased network request timeout from 7 seconds to 10 seconds.
31.03.2020, 05:01 - Limit dash lightning effect length, it was causing performance issues at super high speed Custom Levels.
15.03.2020, 03:14 - Editor: Fixed first playtest was starting 1 tick later, making player invulnerable for an extra tick.
                    Cleaner initial loading code, less crashes.
                    Optimized dash and eye particles.
                    Cached Text rendering.
                    Removed deprecated Orb code.
                    Removed the leftover polling for key press, gamepad button press and axis.
                    Decrease particle counts.
                    Merged tile layer, decoration layer and slime layer rendering.
                    Merge four chapters, slime and decoration tilesets into single image. 
                    Optimized rock, dust, laser, hook, dash, eye and levitating particle rendering.
11.03.2020, 02:15 - Changed Tile Map chunk size, might be a tiny performance improvement.
10.03.2020, 21:30 - Fixed Water Quality setting was not resetting at Restore Defaults.
            20:17 - Fixed "Restore Defaults" in Graphics Settings was not setting vertical sync instantly.
            16:33 - More precise interpolation calculation. (float -> double)
                    FPS Cap is 60 by default now, if V-Sync is off in driver, game will still try to avoid stutter this way. Match it with your monitor's refresh rate.
            00:07 - Fixed two of the floating water blocks in Floodgate were overlapping. 
                    Updated SFML to latest
                    Removed Reddit link.
                    Converted to
                    Fixed a bug at pull mechanic.
                    Gamepad stick threshold is fixed 70 in menus now, this fixed the problem that up/down is being too sensitive if threshold is 10.
                    Changed keybind highlight color to gold.
                    Watch hint at Leaderboard is more visible now.
                    Fixed fresh leaderboard entry dates sometimes showing Yesterday instead of Today.
                    Preloading Storyboard to run it cleaner.
                    Better threading.
                    Cleaner program exit, there won't be errors at quit hopefully.
                    Raycast stops when it's out of the map, performance optimization.
                    Disabled waterfall particles.
                    Disabled lightning effects on the game title.
                    Fixed best scores at a first-time play were not saving until you get out of the level once in Offline Mode.
02.01.2020, 03:23 - Polished translations.
                    Fixed the skip at Bandicap.
                    Optimized Splinter performance.
                    Polished decoration in Techy.
                    Fixed a potential skip at Hectic.
18.05.2019, 16:24 - Fixed the ultra rare but nasty and mysterious, replay desyncing issue.
11.05.2019, 00:56 - Fixed game was not launching for some people in Arch Linux / Manjaro distros.
07.05.2019, 16:51 - Fixed game was being stuck in loading if you press Next Level then Reset.
02.05.2019, 11:49 - Custom Levels list is sorted as Most Recent by default now.
            04:26 - Blade sprites now match the hitbox, looking smaller. 
01.05.2019, 19:41 - Optimized particle rendering performance. 
29.04.2019, 21:04 - Potentially fixed the crash at 'Quit Game' for some people, caused by the sound device. 
            04:07 - Updated SFML version to 2.5.1, changelog:
                    Fixed submitting record was failing sometimes with bad internet connection, now repeating server requests until it's successful.
                    Fixed Menu and UI texts were not smooth at resolutions higher than 1080p.
                    Added Korean, Japanese and Chinese languages; having 12 in total.
                    Linux: Fullscreen runs on second monitor and closes the main one in dual monitor setup.
                    Linux: Fixed issue where fullscreen window didn't go over task bars on top and left.
                    Optimized overall performance.
25.03.2018, 13:23 - Fixed Sunken Caves had a water was appearing with low quality waters.
21.03.2018, 17:08 - Fixed FPS limit was not applying to loading screen.
                    Fixed releasing and pressing hook in the same frame during pull was making character lose speed.
                    Added Russian translations for the new settings words.
19.03.2018, 18:50 - Added Water Quality setting for the people who need extra FPS.
            18:04 - Fixed linearly rising waters were doing one less iteration than they should.
16.03.2018, 12:46 - Fixed some people were not able to submit scores after last patch.
13.03.2018, 22:33 - Fixed the visual glitches occured after last patch.
            21:28 - Removed the hookable tile and some bumpy tiles on top in Spin level.
            16:15 - Probably fixed the Hook Indicator stutter was occuring at spawn for some players.
            15:34 - Probably fixed the crash was occuring on quitting the game for some players.
                    Game quits instantly now.
            12:31 - Restore settings in Customization was not resetting while playing.
10.03.2018, 16:50 - Optimized the game for performance.
09.03.2018, 15:27 - Improved Leaderboard security.
            13:16 - Fixed music wasn't pausing when you watch the intro again from splash screen.
06.03.2018, 17:44 - Screen won't fade in/out to black during level transitions in speedruns, to give the player more time to see the level and react. 
            17:22 - Ghosts are not being downloaded in speedruns anymore to make levels load instantly.
            17:16 - Added Swedish language. <>
03.03.2018, 17:41 - Improved localization of Russian, Turkish, French and Polish.
            16:46 - Added "Sum of Personal Best times of individual levels" to Speedrun UI. (Sum of IL PBs)
28.02.2018, 15:54 - Editor: Fixed a crash by removing \/:*?"<>| characters from the save file name.
            15:31 - Ghost won't be downloaded from the server if Ghost Visibility is 0.
23.02.2018, 15:55 - Fixed player count was showing -1 next to the rank sometimes in Leaderboard.
            15:15 - Fixed input indicator was showing HOOK and JUMP glows in wrong positions.
            15:09 - Removed "sec" text from time differences.
            15:03 - Fixed "Dash Jump" button helper prompt was being visible a bit late at spawn.
            12:33 - Speedrun UI is now visible in Loading screens between levels too.
            12:03 - Increased the visibility of UI in Speedrun Mode and it doesn't fade out.
22.02.2018, 22:05 - Stripped debug symbols from executable to minimize the size.
17.02.2018, 18:44 - Fixed "A wet level name" level had desyncing mastery ghost.
                    Fixed "Classy" level had a ghost tile.
                    Fixed "Techy" level checkpoint trigger areas were at bad places.
            17:55 - Added "Disable Gamepad Sticks" setting to Controls.
            14:09 - Fixed last levels of chapters had wrong border color.
                    Fixed speedrun truncation for IL PB submissions were creating IL replays which desync.
16.02.2018, 15:42 - Fixed Detective achievement was unlocking earlier than it should.
            14:51 - Fixed fetching new ghost after PB & Reset was making timer go too far after freeze.
11.02.2018, 18:06 - Refresh button now fetches the rank again, just in case.
            17:21 - Fixed leaderboard cache was breaking when you return to start from after 100 pages.
            17:12 - Probably fixed the hook indicator lag.
            16:24 - Fixed rank and dominance texts in leaderboards were overlapping.
10.02.2018, 17:25 - Added "Respawn Effect" to Graphics Settings.
09.02.2018, 22:52 - Fixed input helpers were not in the center of the screen.
            22:44 - Fixed DASH text in Ponddle was not localized.
            21:10 - Made leaderboards wider.
            18:56 - data/user/settings file is not shared via Steam Cloud anymore.
            18:22 - Fixed All Chapter Completion achievement was not completing.
            18:10 - Swapped HOOK and JUMP in Input Indicator.
            17:48 - Fixed dominance% difference in leaderboard was wrong sometimes.
04.02.2018, 11:58 - Improved translations.
03.02.2018, 12:40 - Game doesn't try to download ghost in the same session if it failed once after 7 seconds of timeout.
01.02.2018, 09:51 - Left side of the screen is now darker in Menus to make texts more readable.
31.01.2018, 01:09 - Shortened network timeout from 20 seconds to 7 seconds.
            01:04 - Polished Level Selection UI to fit other languages better.
30.01.2018, 22:46 - Holding direction keys in menu now ticks often as you hold it longer, for big sliders like FPS Cap.
            22:00 - Added the missing dot at the end of first storyboard text.
            21:47 - Restart replay button is now "Leaderboard" button instead of "Dash".
            21:42 - Fixed "Now playing" music text was not translated.
            20:59 - Fixed ESC spam blocker timer was taking so long in a slowed down replay.
                    Fixed Left and Right buttons were showing wrong icons in replay UI.
            20:47 - Fixed RETRY text in replay UI was not translated.
29.01.2018, 23:53 - Fixed saved resolution settings was invalid to another computer then was causing a crash.
28.01.2018, 17:53 - Updated Waste Pit mastery ghost.
                    Improved the decoration of Roundabout and Gray Cliff.
            16:45 - Improved Turkish translation.
27.01.2018, 01:07 - Polished < Page 1 > UI.
            00:55 - Added Russian and Finnish languages, not fully complete yet.
26.01.2018, 00:53 - Fixed pop up texts were flying up.
23.01.2018, 14:29 - Brightened text colors.
                    Polished UI generally.
            07:21 - Fixed completion of 15 levels was not unlocking the final level of the chapter.
                    Using Ubuntu font for all texts for better localization compatibility.
            06:03 - Fixed storyboard text outline was not clean.
                    Polished menus.
            04:15 - Fixed some texts were overlapping in Settings in other languages.
            03:31 - Fixed tiny decoration problems in Tower of Joy.
                    Fixed screenshot hotkey was working when screen doesn't have focus.
14.01.2018, 13:30 - Added "" to social links.
10.01.2018, 18:08 - Fixed #1 player was not getting his own ghost.
                    Fixed level border icons were wrong when leaderboard had only one player.
                    Fixed it was super rarely possible to start moving without waiting for spawn, need more test though.
09.01.2018, 17:52 - Fixed "Ignore Replay Style" setting was not saving.
07.01.2018, 21:47 - Fixed wallpaper borders were showing a little bit when it was scaling down in loading screen.
            14:04 - Fixed last play ghost was staying after level change in Offline Mode.
06.01.2018, 21:52 - Ended the Beta.
            17:18 - Polished Naezith Lingering frame of the storyboard.
                    Updated Mastery ghosts.
02.01.2018, 22:37 - Added "Show Out of Focus Overlay" setting.
            21:53 - Removed "Render background tilemaps" and "Render Decorations" settings.
            21:36 - Editor: Fixed screen shake was going crazy.
28.12.2017, 01:20 - Official levels are not being downloaded anymore, levels open very quick and instant if you disable "Download Ghost".
                    Official levels are now bundled inside the build when you download the game.
                    Fixed moving Gamepad stick very slowly was not triggering input events.
25.12.2017, 23:36 - Fixed Kayra was not able to walljump from a horizontal lasered ceiling or ground.
24.12.2017, 22:08 - Default gamepad button for Reset and Recall are swapped.
                    Fixed Shadow Ghost setting was reversed.
                    Fixed shuffling playlist was crashing the game.
                    Pop-up text and sound are disabled by default now.
            03:29 - Fixed jump + dashing in water without input was choosing wrong direction.
            02:04 - Fixed Kayra was not moving in ending scene.
21.12.2017, 00:46 - Fixed music track skip was crashing.
16.12.2017, 01:05 - Added Shadow Ghost option.
                    Ghost visibility setting does not have shadow setting now.
15.12.2017, 21:00 - Added Fade Ghost option.
                    Mastery Ghost transparency is adjustable now.
            02:20 - Accelerator and Jump-Pads now use the chapter color.
14.12.2017, 19:29 - Fixed Intro voice was not playing after entering a level.
12.12.2017, 18:36 - Fixed Kayra was not pulling if you release hook at the first frame of landing.
                    Track skips are now done on another thread.
10.12.2017, 02:26 - Added "Always Show Mastery Ghost" option.
                    Ghost disappear range and speed are tweaked.
            01:22 - Removed vibration from storyboard.
09.12.2017, 19:47 - Updated SFML to latest on GitHub repository.
                    Updated gcc version from 6.3.0 to 7.2.0.
            02:40 - Updated Linux build.
                    Fixed Linux resolution list was messy.
06.12.2017, 22:49 - Fixed Restore Control Settings were setting wrong sometimes.
                    Hook and Dash default gamepad binds are bumpers now instead of triggers.
03.12.2017, 22:26 - Improved shadow ghost's look a lot.
                    Official ghost does not have the jewel on top of his head now.
                    Official ghost is a shadow now.
29.11.2017, 00:38 - Replaced Hope and Ascend in Crystal Chapter.
                    Replaced the dark Metal Chapter non-grappling tile with a brighter one.
28.11.2017, 00:35 - Editor: Area rectangles are now more transparent.
            00:21 - Fixed Default RGB of levels were wrong, causing wonky flickers.
27.11.2017, 01:06 - Fixed View Height was affecting size of loading UI at launch.
                    Added Shuffle Playlist option to Sound Settings.
25.11.2017, 21:00 - Updated Metal tileset's no-grappling tiles.
24.11.2017, 09:10 - Lowered max replay speed to 16.
                    Removed 0.75, 1.25, 1.75 replay speeds.
            00:20 - Added "Download Ghost" setting which can cut level loading time.
23.11.2017, 23:56 - Added wallpaper and loading icon to loading at launch.
22.11.2017, 23:15 - Loading at launch does not freeze the window now.
                    Game closes instantly now.
19.11.2017, 21:40 - All Chapters speedrun now truncates and submits chapter runs perfectly clean.
                    Slight optimizations.
                    Fixed player's speedrun fetches were not fetching and saving properly.
18.11.2017, 15:01 - All Chapters speedrun unlocks only if others are played.
            03:00 - IL replays are truncated perfectly for PB submission during the speedrun.
17.11.2017, 20:27 - Editor: Water & Waterfall minimum width is now 16 pixels.
                    Thinner waterfalls now spawn less particles.
            20:06 - Fixed custom levels were adding one to official levels.
            01:49 - Dominance % colors are now relative to your global dominance %. >G-5=Gold, >G-10=Silver 
            01:04 - Level border color is now about rank percentage instead of dominance.
16.11.2017, 16:56 - Mastered light at chapter card is chapter colored now.
            16:43 - Fixed tiny zoom was staying after resetting from Leaderboard.
            00:41 - Fixed tilemap was rarely waving on camera move.
15.11.2017, 23:41 - Lowered Tilemap chunk size from 32 to 16, improved performance.
            21:50 - Darkened parallax backgrounds.
            20:32 - Changed flat background colors.
            20:06 - Camera is now moving pixel perfect.
                    Fixed freeze caused by "saving debug replay" at death or finishing the level.
            18:00 - Fixed chapter speedruns in All Chapters were not submitting because of the offline times.
            16:27 - Removed Vignette shader effect, gained performance.
            16:12 - Fixed Speedrun LB text positions were overlapping.
            14:28 - Fixed level color was resetting at respawn to checkpoint.
14.11.2017, 23:05 - Added entry age to IL and Speedrun leaderboards.
12.11.2017, 20:10 - 532 ms notation became 0.532 sec.
            19:50 - Moved Chapter cards slightly to left.
            18:32 - Removed rating from Global Rankings.
                    Speedruns also affect Global Rankings now, Chapters are 2.5% each, All Chapters is 10%.
            17:00 - Probably fixed Kayra was controllable at spawn without the spawning delay, ultra rarely.
            15:37 - Added WATCH, PLAY buttons to Splash Screen.
            02:15 - Fixed credits was not scrolling for some players because of gamepad input problems.
            01:48 - Improved spike auto-tiling.
            01:26 - Added "Window is out of focus" overlay.
            00:52 - Fixed run submissions were not passing the server validation super rarely if player has weird nickname.
09.11.2017, 21:50 - Increased water reflection size from 40 px to 160 px, it was too subtle.
            20:40 - Fixed speedrun LB was not comparing times in Offline Mode.
                    Fixed Offline Mode speedrun was showing wrong ghosts.
07.11.2017, 23:50 - Speedrun Dominance is also saved locally for Offline Mode.
            23:32 - Added Dominance % to Speedruns.
            23:20 - Fixed Speedrun replays were broken in Offline Mode.
                    Fixed Speedrun Leaderboard was showing the last run as server run.
            00:53 - Fixed simulating replay buttons were also pressing menu buttons if the keycode is same.
            00:02 - Added Recall button.
06.11.2017, 22:14 - Added two seconds time penalty on death.
05.11.2017, 23:56 - Fixed IL PB after PB in Speedrun was showing wrong times in Leaderboard.
            23:32 - Settings now save when you quit Settings Menu too, to prevent data loss on crashes.
            23:23 - Fixed XInput buttons and right trigger were not being detected in some cases.
04.11.2017, 19:36 - Gamepad does not vibrate if player plays with keyboard.
            16:28 - Added 4 levels of gamepad vibration settings. Middle by default.
            03:19 - Fixed gamepad threshold was applying to D-pad too.
            02:34 - Fixed inspecting a player was resetting player's fetched speedrun stats.
            02:10 - Dash and Hook gamepad default buttons are now Triggers instead of Bumpers.
            02:07 - Gamepad stick/trigger inputs < 6 are ignored now, deadzone.
            01:51 - Added gamepad vibration and an option to disable it.
25.10.2017, 09:53 - Polished the gold at the ending.
23.10.2017, 23:14 - Ending scene is improved visually.
                    Ending scene lasts 10 seconds longer.
                    Fixed time difference was visible in Ending Scene.
                    Added "Skip Ending" option in Gameplay Settings.
15.10.2017, 19:18 - Fixed ghost was not appearing in a very rare case.
            16:13 - Linux: libc libm libgcc libudev libpthread are not distributed with the game anymore.
14.10.2017, 16:56 - Mac: Fixed Window focus check at launch was not working properly.
            15:54 - Updated Mac and Linux builds.
                    Fixed tile-bleeding of Kayra sprites.
            13:17 - Fixed tile-bleeding of decoration tiles.
            02:02 - Added a new background, Kayra Determined, to Main Menu.
                    Naezith background is now in Custom Levels.
            01:17 - Fixed ESC darkness was staying for too long at very low floating points, was causing lower fps for ~5 seconds.
            01:05 - Replaced "Render Texture Height" setting with Texture Quality which picks the best size automatically.
09.10.2017, 01:33 - Removed pthread from Mac and Windows builds.
                    Changed -lpthread to -pthread in Linux.
            00:59 - Linux: Fixed game was not opening because of a missing .so file (
08.10.2017, 21:38 - Updated Mac build.
            17:30 - Added Gamepad Layout settings: Auto, Dualshock, Xbox.
            16:14 - Binding Xbox button binds Dualshock too now.
            16:00 - Hook land and stone tile sounds are not positional now.
            15:34 - Updated Steamworks SDK.
            14:19 - Dualshock controllers are now automatically detected.
                    Gamepad button images are better now.
            00:25 - Updated SFML version to latest on Linux and Windows.
                    Linux: Fixed stutter.
                    Linux: Fixed first launch fullscreen resolution is stretched over dual monitors.
                    Linux: Fixed setting resolution 1080p closes the main monitor completely on dual monitor setup.
                    Linux: Fixed fullscreen does not go over taskbars.
07.10.2017, 20:38 - First two frames of the storyboard is unskippable if it's first time you open the game.
            20:22 - Increased XInput Gamepad detection a lot.
                    XInput is now fully prioritized to SFML joystick API if it's available.
            15:43 - Added 'R O N' key combination to reset control bind settings in menus, if you mess it up.
            04:10 - Right Analog Stick is now bindable.
                    Gamepad trigger axises are now working separately, both bindable.
                    Added XInput support, it's being used if Xbox Controller is plugged in.
01.10.2017, 23:40 - Speedruns are saved locally for Offline Mode.
                    Speedruns don't fetch when there is no need.
            16:59 - Fixed "Offline" text was displaying in wrong situation.
26.09.2017, 22:23 - Fixed Gamepad D-pad Up and Down were inverted on Linux.
                    Inputs are handled with events again instead of polling, so it's a big optimization.
                    Updated Linux build, Mac is still old because I don't have macOS at the moment.
25.09.2017, 01:41 - Replaced some unnecesarry dynamic memory allocation.
            01:15 - Fixed game was crashing at close, at cleanup of the Editor, if it was open.
            00:42 - Fixed it was possible to pull when you are next to the wall if you press hook and jump in the same frame.
22.09.2017, 16:06 - Fixed level count was being 81 when you do Next Level.
21.09.2017, 18:34 - Added "Offline" text on level scores without online entry.
            00:29 - Fixed game was thinking offline data is online data even after a wipe.
18.09.2017, 21:56 - Fixed Editor was not opening if you never opened it before.
            04:37 - Fixed last storyboard frame subtitles were not matching fully to the narration.
            03:53 - Fixed pause timing of one frame in storyboard was cutting the narrative on slow computers.
                    Made storyboard frame transitions more seamless.
            00:51 - Fixed game was not paused at launch if you click away before window pops up.
17.09.2017, 23:59 - Fixed if alt-tabbed at game's launch, black screen was snapping directly to storyboard instead of smoothly fading in.
            02:18 - Fixed more potential crash points thanks to Application Verifier.
                    Fixed Replay Validator was false detecting because it was accepting inputs which restarts the replay.
16.09.2017, 17:00 - Fixed potential crashes when multiple levels are being loaded at the same time on a slow computer.
                    Fixed loading sign on level load was disappearing early on long loads.
11.09.2017, 14:58 - Global ranks are updated only if all calculations are successful. Before it was resetting at start of calculation.
            01:47 - Fixed some Custom Levels were not opening in Offline Mode.
            01:36 - Moved website to GitHub Pages.
                    Website now has SSL, uses HTTPS.
            01:08 - Fixed game was not switching to Offline Mode when Game Server is offline.
09.09.2017, 18:43 - Jade, Sand, Metal, Crystal chapter runs are being submitted during the All Chapters speedrun indivudually.
            13:58 - Editor: Fixed "Rotate" action was opening a window  which blocks next "Rotate".
            12:19 - Speedrun HUD now hides when Kayra is near.
08.09.2017, 08:01 - Sounds with positions are relative to center of screen instead of Kayra now.
            07:53 - Replaced Keep with Ascend.
            07:00 - Decreased Turret sounds' volume.
            04:26 - Server requests now have 15 seconds timeout.
            04:16 - Level Search toggles off at Alt-Tab or 1.5 seconds of inactivity.
            04:01 - Levels are now branching.
                    There are chapter gates now, requiring 15 levels to unlock the last level of the chapter.
                    Fixed level name was too far at + nodes.
            02:08 - Camera now does not snap to new portal if portal is out of screen but still very close, like in Vertical.
07.09.2017, 16:14 - Game now tries to connect to the server 6 times if it fails at launch. 
06.09.2017, 19:55 - Bolt and Victim are now secrets of Sand chapter.
                    Took Squeezebox out.
            16:59 - Added Polish language.
10.08.2017, 01:50 - Ordered Crystal chapter levels.
                    Cube is now a secret level.
                    Added Crossfire to Crystal chapter.
30.07.2017, 17:36 - Added smooth hook indicator circle.
                    Removed the top layer of dash particles.
                    Dust, rock and player eye particles use the dash particle texture instead of solid square.
29.07.2017, 02:58 - Fixed background was flickering rarely when HUD was off.
            01:35 - Hook beam, kayra eye particles and hook trail are also glowy now. 
                    Levitating particles and laser particles are also glowy now.
            01:27 - Dash particles are now glowing. 
28.07.2017, 20:09 - Fixed graphics settings were resetting.
24.07.2017, 13:37 - Updated Linux and Mac builds. 
23.07.2017, 13:32 - Did tiny optimizations.
                    Hide HUD now hides FPS counter too.
                    Fixed storyboard text was visible if you alt-tab at launch.
            02:44 - Added "Ignore Replay Style" setting for video recording with default Kayra look.
                    Hide HUD now hides hook indicator too.
22.07.2017, 20:03 - Removed Disable Gamepad setting.
                    Added "Restore Default Settings" buttons.
            18:42 - FPS Cap limit is now 500 and OFF is at max right side.
            18:34 - Added Render Texture Height setting to Graphics Settings.
                    Set default Render Texture Height to be 1080, it does not change automatically anymore.
                    Fixed menus and game graphics were looking very shaky and pixelated when window resolution was < 1080.
21.07.2017, 20:03 - Fixed levels list was 25 instead of 20 in All Chambers speedrun.
20.07.2017, 01:54 - Game now waits all threads to terminate before quitting the game.
            01:28 - Unsure but probably fixed game staying opened after quitting.
            01:18 - Lowered the sound play radius of turrets.
                    Optimized Waterfalls.
16.07.2017, 13:18 - Replaced Victim with Secure.
            10:49 - Replaced [Secure, Area 52, Hadrian Split] with [Oldway, Surge, Ruins].
                    Moved Zigzag from Crystal to Metal chapter.
14.07.2017, 12:47 - Fixed short-named levels' text were far from their gem in Level Selection.
            02:17 - Decreased brightness of Crystal background.
            02:00 - Added Crystal levels, game now has 80 official levels.
                    Removed "The End", modified Chamber to be the final.
                    Vertigo is now Crystal Chapter level.
13.07.2017, 22:47 - Fixed lasers were invisible in LB if you open LB of the level from Custom Levels.
            21:40 - Fixed hook was not landing when you release the hook button in the landing frame.
            20:23 - Fixed tile bleeding. (Empty lines between tiles) 
                    Finished tiles, including decorations.
            18:00 - Updated Slime & Dirt surface tiles.
            14:49 - Lift level is out.
            14:12 - Removed Practice Lair.
                    Removed F8 hotkey for FPS check because it was mis-opening for new players.
12.07.2017, 15:56 - Optimized water and slime particles.
                    Water and slime particles are more but smaller now.
11.07.2017, 16:01 - Helper Texts are now flashing because they were very invisible.
            13:56 - Fixed Level Selection cursor was being in wrong position when the inspected player has the level locked.
            13:45 - Added faded WATCH texts to each line in LB because new players don't know about it and they just do NEXT LEVEL.
28.06.2017, 16:23 - Added Speedrun Level Listing option to Gameplay Settings.
27.06.2017, 12:59 - Fixed speedrun chapters were looking as "Played" instead of "Unlocked".
22.06.2017, 20:21 - Spikes in corners are now always corner-spikes.
            19:56 - Tweaked many levels slightly.
                    Took Viper out, put Secure back to Metal chapter.
            01:52 - Added more tiles to all tilesets.
                    Improved auto-tiling a lot.
19.06.2017, 20:02 - Cleaned the dirt in Jade parallax background.
            19:21 - Updated Sand tileset.
17.06.2017, 19:34 - Added placeholder 3-way and 4-way tiles.
            01:10 - Editor: Tab goes to the next text-box.
            00:37 - Editor: Added "Decorate" button which automatically puts 1x1, 1x2, 2x1 decorations.
                    Editor: Added "Clear Layer" and "Clear All Layers" buttons to Decoration.
16.06.2017, 20:28 - Editor: Zoom snaps to 100% easier. 
14.06.2017, 20:37 - Prettified tileset layout to have alt tiles for Earth-2.
            19:03 - Editor: Fixed lasers are not placable long enough.
13.06.2017, 20:25 - Fixed Refreshing LB after PB was removing the ghost if you are not in first page. (Needs test)
            16:07 - Arranged Metal levels.
                    Updated Crystal tileset but it's still WIP.
11.06.2017, 01:16 - Editor: Custom Levels download cache now resets when you save the level with same name.
09.06.2017, 23:34 - Removed Slimy-Dirt surface.
                    Slime and Dirt surfaces don't combine by autotiling when they are next to each other now.
            21:51 - Editor: Fixed crash appears very often.
03.06.2017, 05:24 - FPS cap is now very precise.
            00:18 - Vertical Sync and View Height settings are changing instantly now.
02.06.2017, 20:21 - Surface tiles like Slime is now placable on all the layers as decoration.
            17:51 - Removed background blur.
            17:14 - Removed menu blur.
            16:25 - Fixed while switching between fullscreen and windowed the end level zoom resets.
01.06.2017, 04:44 - Replay validator now corrects the time of broken replays if they finish the level.
                    Wrote an article about Replay System and Validator,
            00:15 - Fixed practice lair was not being in the right mode.
31.05.2017, 22:21 - Fixed bugs caused by the new hook indicator implementation.
            20:30 - Fixed slime wall animation was not working for ghosts.
            20:13 - Hook max range is now same as when it was "feeling long" sometimes.
            18:06 - Fixed Dash + Jump + Hook at the same time was removing the horizontal dash speed before Pull starts.
            17:29 - Fixed hook indicator was showing wrong point rarely.
                    Optimized hook indicator.
                    Fixed hooking in input buffering frame (spawn) was shooting just a bit further than normal.
            00:54 - Updated slime tiles.
                    Removed the 2 seconds death penalty.
                    Minimum speed limit for faster regen is now 25 instead of 0, allows swing regen.
30.05.2017, 19:00 - Hook Indicator is shown even if hook won't land now.
                    Added line option for Hook Indicator.
            15:54 - Fixed storyboard text was not scaling depending on the window size.
                    Fixed ghosts were triggering limited grappling tile sounds.
                    Added Hook Indicator.
27.05.2017, 22:20 - Fixed screen-shake was so big at spawn sometimes.
            19:13 - Added target difference timer to ILs.
26.05.2017, 16:51 - Added light and sound to the limited grappling blocks.
                    Updated all tilesets.
            15:53 - Fixed Global Rankings %s were not matching with ranks correctly.
            15:20 - Level Search now takes numbers as input like "Area 52".
                    Level Search now starts searching when it has 2 characters instead of 3.
25.05.2017, 16:47 - Fixed ESC was not functional during a replay.
                    Updated Jade and Metal tilesets.
            13:30 - Doing polling for inputs instead of handling events because events were buggy.
                        This fixed "Broken gamepad triggers random inputs which interrupts the movement".
                        This fixed "Holding a button more than 0.2 secs triggers press/release events constantly".
            01:03 - Fixed wrong player's data being set on the player sometimes.
24.05.2017, 19:39 - Gamepad stick axis inputs lower than 4 are now ignored.
            18:13 - Lowered joystick slot checks from 8 to 4, it might fix the crash.
23.05.2017, 16:19 - Added dominance to Global Rankings inspect cards and on level icons.
            16:06 - Fixed dust particles were invisible at jump from ground.
            15:47 - Fixed beam particles were changing alpha sometimes.
            14:56 - Inspecting someone on Global Rankings compares your time with that player's.
            13:47 - Fixed rank announce was apperating twice.
                    Promotion screen is skippable again.
22.05.2017, 21:46 - Fixed holding other direction and wall-jump was broken.
                    Wall-jump tolerance is now 64 ms.
            19:08 - Removed slow-mo and stopping from "The End".
            18:45 - Fixed promoted notification was broken.
            16:04 - Increased pull speed from 675 to 700.
            13:56 - Fixed dash speed was adding to wrong direction in a very rare situation.
            01:33 - Fixed base IL dominance was 0% for being last person before global ranks are updated, now 25%.
            01:27 - Promoted screen is more forced now.
            01:22 - Enlarged the rank icon and username at bottom left.
            00:59 - Fixed walljump + dash combination was giving too much speed very very rarely.
21.05.2017, 19:48 - Fixed surf sound was keeping playing on level end of speedrun.
            19:40 - Changed username position back to left bottom, it's now hidden in some menus like Leaderboard.
            02:07 - Fixed dash-jump was not giving speed when you are flying up with a speed between jump speed and dash-jump speed.
            00:24 - Fixed Promoted screen positions for new icons.
20.05.2017, 19:17 - Fixed dominance was showing broken like -219941298% when leaderboards were wiped.
                    Wiped Leaderboards.
            18:08 - Rearranged Sand Chapter levels.
                    Added Sand Chapter secret level, Squeezebox.
                    Added Breeze, Flipflop, Mist, Sunken Caves to Sand Chapter.
                    Moved some levels to Metal Chapter because Sand is now full.
            15:06 - Dominance is shown in Leaderboard.
18.05.2017, 05:35 - Editor: Tile cursor is now transparent.
            04:46 - Fixed dash was not leaving speed to movement speed if it was lower than walk speed.
                    Fixed movement speed being 351 instead of 350 on a basic walk.
            00:47 - Fixed speedrun timer was being reset at every level.
            00:16 - Removed "Acceleration" attribute of Hook Bands, because implementation was too messy.
                    Fixed the dash-pull on Hook Band was buggy with the new dash implementation.
17.05.2017, 23:06 - Fixed ghost name and rank icon were being affected by level color.
                    Changed rank icons.
            12:47 - Fix Offline Mode was not unlocking levels.
            03:25 - Fixed it was removing full dash speed from X axis when dash ends after a diagonal dash-pull.
16.05.2017, 20:00 - Storyboard narration pauses between the frames when loading the frame takes time.
            18:44 - Increased wall-jump tolerance from 150 ms to 250 ms.
            18:30 - Critical Update: Fixed dash speed was being cut from movement speed even if you lost it before.
15.05.2017, 02:44 - Fixed Hook Band and Jump Pad shaders were broken because of latest SFML update.
14.05.2017, 20:21 - Fixed game was forgetting the last level you played in Level Selection after restart.
                    Took Stronghold out.
                    Polished many Metal Chapter levels.
13.05.2017, 13:54 - Added used single header libraries to credits: "nlohmann/json, cxong/tinydir"
                    Windows: Removed forced setting of thread priority.
                    Windows: Removed forced disabling of accesibility shotcuts as Sticky Keys.
                    Removed all the OS dependent code except getting OS time.
            13:09 - Mac, Linux: Fixed getting OS time, it was breaking Global Ranking & Screenshot names.
                    Fixed last two lines of Control settings were not functioning.
12.05.2017, 20:08 - Fixed the crash at storyboard intro.
11.05.2017, 18:16 - Fixed speedrun was submitting false IL times after resetting.
            16:43 - Tested and switched to the faster optimization mode -O3 from -O2, it's safe for math.
            15:42 - Cleaned up the codebase, tiny performance improvements.
            12:19 - Refactored the architecture to avoid Singleton pattern.
                    Mac: Fixed the OpenAL crash at exit.
10.05.2017, 16:45 - Added an option to disable Menu Blur.
            16:02 - Added a separate pop-up sound option. 
            15:37 - Fixed hook beam style was changing sometimes.
            15:19 - Fixed ambient sound was playing in Alt-TAB.
            15:08 - Prettified the Mac directory and compilation.
                    Removed Bloom effect and it's setting.
09.05.2017, 21:27 - Ported the game to Mac.
08.05.2017, 23:17 - Fixed Level Search in Level Selection was not accepting numbers like in "Area 52".
            22:18 - Fixed Level Search and Leaderboard hotkeys were same in default gamepad controls.
                    Took "Squeezebox" out.
                    Renamed "Hard to Reach" to "The Hill".
                    Polished Sand chapter levels.
            00:49 - Added option to disable Ready/Go/Relapse/Reset pop-ups.
07.05.2017, 22:00 - Spent whole day trying to build SFML on Mac OS X, crazy unsolvable errors.
06.05.2017, 22:18 - Fixed text pop up sound was silent.
            14:45 - Polished all the Jade chapter levels.
                    Put replaced Classy & Wish positions in chapters.
04.05.2017, 15:17 - Linux: Fixed Practice Lair and Level Editor were not opening because of saving of file was different on Windows.
            04:02 - Fixed speedrun was not sending ILs sometimes.
            02:44 - Reverted the change about texture scaling, it was lagging a lot at bad computers when resolution >= view height.
03.05.2017, 18:32 - Improved the client-side UTF-8 support, specially for usernames.
            18:01 - Fixed special characters in usernames were showing broken (character_set_server latin1 -> utf8 on MySQL db).
22.04.2017, 22:00 - Linux: Removed the unnecesary .so files which were preventing the game to launch.
            03:01 - Added Linux port, needs test.
20.04.2017, 13:40 - Fixed surfaces were not hiding when waters overlap.
            13:15 - Made the water surface visible.
19.04.2017, 17:52 - Fixed getting IL PB in speedrun was not refreshing the rank info in Level Selection.
            17:05 - Default Dash button is "Left Shift" and default Hook button is "D" now.
            16:29 - Fixed it was incrementing Custom Level player count every time you open the Leaderboard.
            14:47 - Level Selection camera moves faster to hide the background loading stutter.
17.04.2017, 19:15 - Fully implemented the replay validator to keep leaderboards cheat proof.
                    Fixed doing IL PB during speedrun was submitting even if player reset to start, leads to desyncing replay.
14.04.2017, 00:37 - Secured the replay speed variable to be used for Speedhack.
            00:03 - Secured the game against Speedhack.
13.04.2017, 22:05 - Secured Timestep, Accumulator, FPS clock from memory modification. 
            18:08 - Sounds are silent at 32X replay speed.
            16:35 - Prevented "ESC spam for slow-mo gameplay".
12.04.2017, 21:45 - Fixed moving the cursor after pressing enter was changing the entered settings page.
            18:15 - Added subtitles to Storyboard to make it more accessible.
                    Changed the Storyboard frame timings to fit the voice better.
            16:47 - Fixed Leaderboard was highlighting wrong person, player line highlighting is now done by player ID check.
11.04.2017, 15:14 - Fixed Custom Levels list entry's rank was not being updated after finishing the level.
            14:38 - Editor: Laser is placable as click & draw line.
            14:13 - Resolution setting is shown better.
10.04.2017, 21:02 - Fixed Credits was scrolling just once.
            20:52 - Editor: Fixed end remnant lightning was spawning even if there is no end remnant.
09.04.2017, 20:32 - Intro music's volume is music volume if it's in credits, else it's at voice volume.
            20:12 - Fixed it wasn't getting your rank after submitting time, at End Scene.
                    End Scene is shown only once now, no resetting during that.
            18:10 - Fixed Music was restarting at pauses.
            17:59 - Non-mastered level gems are darker now.
            17:45 - Level Selection hides the card of levels you don't have entry in LB, also it's more red now.
            17:42 - Credits is not scrollable in End Scene.
            17:39 - HUD is hidden in End Scene now.
            17:21 - Fixed the pulsing eye particles at End Scene.
            17:19 - End Scene slow-mo is 4x faster now.
            17:15 - Kayra is semi-controllable during the fall in End Scene.
            16:28 - End Scene is resettable after you've seen it once.
            09:41 - Fixed secret levels were detected as last level.
08.04.2017, 02:10 - Added the level "The End".
07.04.2017, 19:04 - Music starts earlier than the voice now.
                    Added music to credits.
            16:19 - Tweaked storyboard a bit more.
06.04.2017, 19:00 - Added the mini-map back.
            16:34 - Added music to the Storyboard.
            17:51 - Added narration to the Storyboard.
            14:37 - Removed "Make Custom Level" achievement.
            13:37 - Updated SFML, performance should be slightly better now.
05.04.2017, 22:03 - Replaced the dangerous compiler flag "-Ofast" with the "-O2" because it was doing math out of standards, could lead to issues in future.
            20:02 - Fixed Left or Right keys were being stuck when you return to Level Selection.
            01:04 - Editor: Fixed End Remnant lightning was stacking at Level Upload.
04.04.2017, 22:25 - Sparkles go invisible if you don't have double jump.
                    Replaced "Hide Dash-bar" with "Hide HUD".
            21:57 - Removed mini-map.
            21:09 - Removed hook indicator for good.
            02:21 - Added credits.
03.04.2017, 18:00 - Naezith abilities can be disabled now.
02.04.2017, 21:42 - Added storyboard (lacks music and voice-over).
01.04.2017, 13:50 - Removed the 3 seconds cancelling timer of Level Name Search.
                    Added sound effect to Level Search toggle.
                    Added "LEVEL SEARCH:" text to Level Selection.
            13:44 - Added lightning effects on the end remnant.
            01:22 - Fixed game was not submitting replays after unlocking secrets.
            00:24 - Fixed there was a space missing between Page and page number.
31.03.2017, 20:16 - Added the missing corner spikes to Sand tileset.
            19:54 - Darkened Sand and Crystal parallax backgrounds.
            19:09 - Synced Level Selection with the levels spreadsheet.
                    Disliked levels are out for now.
                    It is now possible to attach two secret levels to same level.
29.03.2017, 18:17 - Reverted the 01:47 update.
            01:47 - Speed does not decrease when dash ends if it's already lost during dash, like a turn. 
            00:49 - Fixed dash after dash had 1 non-dashing frame between them.
28.03.2017, 18:00 - Renamed "Broken thing" to "Hectic".
            17:46 - Fixed some level names had wrong lowercase or uppercase characters.
            13:47 - Fixed camera was moving forward when Leaderboard is opened during gameplay.
26.03.2017, 16:09 - Fixed orbs around the chunk had no sparks.
            16:03 - Fixed some volumes were too loud.
            15:38 - Dash and double jump lightning sounds are louder if Kayra is moving fast. 
            15:32 - Optimized lightning effect by halving the point count.
            14:26 - Hook beam gets thicker for a moment when it lands now.
            14:04 - Shortened the lightning effect fade time.
                    Lightning effect at dash and double jump starts with one color and shifts to another one.
            12:55 - Fixed Music was not skippable while watching a replay.
25.03.2017, 23:54 - Music does not change pitch in fast or slowly played replays now.
24.03.2017, 22:40 - Added Lightning theme to dash and double-jump.
            12:47 - Editor: Fixed mouse cursor was dark.
23.03.2017, 20:27 - Coded the storyboard intro but it's disabled until the storyboard images are done.
            16:00 - Editor: Translated more words to other languages.
            01:47 - Fixed Loading screen texts size were dependant on the view height.
                    Increased the gradient angle changing speed x10.
                    Editor: Added a global fade speed variable to gradient level coloring.
22.03.2017, 00:06 - Added German language.
21.03.2017, 23:56 - Old level colors work now.
20.03.2017, 11:10 - Fixed wallsliding animation was being stuck in a situation.
            01:07 - Fixed ghosts were interacting with checkpoints and disabling them.
19.03.2017, 20:39 - Added Level Coloring triggers.
            11:53 - Added Spanish language.
18.03.2017, 22:24 - Added information into the game executable, might fix antivirus issues.
            16:01 - Fixed offline data is mixing with the new submitted score.
            02:16 - Added zoom back to Leaderboard and cleaned up parallax background movement.
            01:11 - Activated checkpoint removes all the older ones now.
            00:33 - Added Turkish language.
            00:22 - Added movable and scalable gradient to level color.
17.03.2017, 18:57 - Fixed leaderboard was showing buggy after PB'ing the level update wipes.
            15:05 - Added "Dash during swing" tutorial texts to Memorial and Chasm.
            13:56 - Deactivated checkpoints go invisible now.
                    Checkpoints visibility changes faster.
            13:38 - Added more info to chapter cards in Level Selection.
                    Fixed "Purged" text was missing a space.
            13:30 - Added Memorial level to Jade chapter.
            13:21 - Removed waterfall height map because it was bugging the water height map.
            12:37 - Moved pop-up texts to language files, French needs translation.
            11:21 - Fixed replay speeds between 1.0 and 2.0 were not working.
            10:54 - Fixed some words in English and French.
            10:45 - Fixed holding Reset during the replay spawn was making the black screen stay for a while.
                    Fixed holding Reset during the replay spawn was making the Level Selection cursor move by itself.
            10:37 - Fixed score was not submitting when local save of level time was better.
            10:33 - Fixed translation was crashing at inspecting someone.
            10:29 - Fixed Personal Best text was overlapping with the time difference.
            10:23 - Fixed wrong line was being skipped in Control Settings.
            00:52 - Added French language.
16.03.2017, 19:07 - Fixed it was showing notification about secret revealed after quitting inspect.
            18:36 - Removed Energy indicator setting.
            17:05 - Added Language to Settings.
            15:49 - Fixed Pause and Back buttons were not nicely bindable.
                    Reordered the buttons in Control Settings.
            14:58 - Fixed third alternative non-grappling hook sound effect had some floor drop sound.
            14:35 - Fixed author names were uppercase in Custom Levels and Leaderboard.
15.03.2017, 02:54 - In Offline Mode, local levels are playable in Custom Levels section, also the ghost works the same way.
            02:30 - Last play becomes the ghost in Offline Mode now and updates only if you do a better run.
            01:29 - Added most of the online functionality to Offline Mode such as ranks, times, dominance for levels.
                    Fixed Steam API binding.
14.03.2017, 19:21 - Fixed game was not opening directly from the exe.
            18:23 - Fixed game was being stuck in black screen on Retry from Leaderboard.
                    Added Offline Mode, still not complete.
            14:25 - Editor: Disabled Props in pre-release.
            14:02 - Grayscaled the explosion spritesheet for more equal coloring.
            04:19 - Reverted the end level zoom update because water and parallax background were looking buggy.
            03:46 - Fixed splash screen was buggy if window was out of focus.
                    "Save State" part of interpolation now runs when window is out of focus.
            00:28 - Fixed ghosts were hanging in wrong pose at the end of the level, now they freeze.
13.03.2017, 20:20 - Fixed orbs at the end were staying visible after "Retry" is pressed.
            19:26 - Increased the count of orbs around the remnant.
                    Improved the absorbing remnant animation at the end.
            18:44 - Camera now zooms smoothly at end of the level.
            18:02 - Fixed game was freezing at the end of the level because of "stopping" sound loops.
                    Non-loop sound effects don't stop instantly at the end of the level.
                    Camera now continues to move smoothly at the end of the level instead of stopping.
            03:10 - Spaces at the end of the username are trimmed now.
                    Put minimum two characters limit to usernames.
            01:42 - Usernames are case-sensitive now.
                    Added "Name" setting to Customization.
                    Usernames can have space and many other special characters now.
12.03.2017, 01:20 - Improved the memory modification anti-cheat.
11.03.2017, 22:47 - Enlarged the walter turrets.
10.03.2017, 23:00 - Added basic anti-cheat for memory modification programs. 
09.03.2017, 18:32 - Editor: Fixed secret was not resetting on death.
            18:29 - Removed secret_found.wav and mastery.wav.
                    Added secret pickup sound.
            17:54 - Added "Secret Level Unlocked: [LEVEL NAME]" notification.
            16:49 - Fixed waterfall was not using waterfall height map.
            16:22 - Polished the mastery notification.
            15:16 - Centered Main Menu tips.
            14:45 - Added mastery notification to Leaderboard.
08.03.2017, 22:19 - Fixed IL PBs in Speedrun were not being submitted.
                    Added screenshot saved notification.
                    Added IL PB notification in speedrun.
            01:23 - Fixed Replay control keys were not matching with MENU LEFT and MENU RIGHT.
                    Fixed SKIP TRACK bind was not working.
07.03.2017, 23:23 - Fixed water particles were getting removed on waterfall collision.
            22:31 - Added waterfalls.
            14:05 - Fixed Parallax backgrounds were very shaky when level size is smaller than screen.
06.03.2017, 00:29 - Renamed Options to Settings.
05.03.2017, 19:29 - Polished "Hasty" soundtrack.
            19:13 - Removed the camera zoom at level end for now because it was not smooth enough.
            18:48 - Fixed time & rank comparison at the end of level was broken if you open a Custom Level by Leaderboard.
            18:32 - Added the option "Camera ignores borders".
            17:24 - Fixed hook indicator was visible out of the level, in front of blackness.
            16:56 - Editor: Fixed ESC was not working after Level upload.
            16:39 - Editor: Fixed circle accelerator was staying in wrong side when it's drawn from right to left.
            15:55 - Fixed tracking laser was stopping.
            15:30 - Fixed hook trail was not updating when Kayra is in wallsliding animation.
04.03.2017, 15:04 - Upgraded MinGW from 5.3.0 to 6.3.0.
                    Upgraded SFML from 2.4.1 to +2.4.2 (latest from GitHub)
                    Finally fixed the Stutter issue caused by SFML polling joysticks.
                    Lag when gamepad is plugged is fixed by the SFML update.
                    Crash when gamepad is unplugged is fixed by the SFML update.
                    Game was not opening with 5 years old GPU drivers, fixed by the SFML update. 
03.03.2017, 19:54 - Changed the CPU clock from sf::Clock to std::chrono::high_resolution_clock, might fix the stutter.
            17:43 - Mixed the legacy "hook landed" sound with the less sharp version of new one.
            17:36 - Replaced Waterbloom with Swishflush.
            17:18 - Fixed the hook indicator was turning when character is not controllable.
            17:07 - Fixed Allow Checkpoint option names.
            01:18 - Fixed dying after finishing the level was bugging the speedrun mode.
02.03.2017, 19:13 - Added Steam Cloud for settings and saves.
                    Moved "data/config.cfg" to "data/user/settings.cfg".
                    Moved "data/save_data.rond" to "data/user/save.rond".
                    Moved "data/editor.cfg" to "data/user/editor.cfg".
            16:45 - Fixed Official Ghost visibility was broken.
            16:43 - Fixed Secret achievements were false-triggering.
            14:38 - Added Steam Achievements.
            12:11 - Fixed jump pad volume was too high.
01.03.2017, 21:54 - Level names are not saved into the level file anymore, easier to rename officials now.
            21:19 - Ghosts are now a lot more invisible when they are close.
            19:59 - Polished most of the sound effects.
            17:29 - Game launches immidiately with "LOADING" texts.
            15:15 - Added gameplay tips to Main Menu.
            14:20 - Speedometer is now green if speed increased, red if it's decreased and white if it's same.
28.02.2017, 17:35 - Fixed jump was being ignored when you jump in the frame that "Leave Ground" tolerance time ends.
                    Probably fixed the super pull boost bug.
24.02.2017, 19:56 - Added "Level Search" keybind to controls.
            18:49 - Added version next to FPS counter (F8).
                    Recoded the input handling, cleaner.
                    Fixed the replay desync happening when button is tapped and released in the same frame.
                    Fixed hook trails were framerate dependant.
            15:00 - Fixed the "Dashed Pull Boost" when player is not dashing bug.
            14:08 - Fixed pressing R after death was not resetting to start.
            13:21 - Added option to have Checkpoints off in IL but not Speedrun.
            03:29 - Speedrun was locking if you pause at the end.
            03:11 - Fixed "Next Level" button was opening secret levels.
                    Fixed Speedrun's All Chapter part was showing chapter levels wrong.
            01:29 - Fixed water was splashing when it's invisible(negative height).
            00:34 - Fixed Kayra was not turning at a quick left tap when he is close to slimed wall.
            00:11 - Fixed Level Selection backgrounds were always black when one of the levels is.
23.02.2017, 23:23 - Level Selection cursor is now remembered after you stop inspecting someone else.
            22:34 - Checkpoints can be disabled in Speedrun mode now.
                    Fixed checkpoints were visible in replays no matter what.
            21:25 - Reverted the double tap to "Reset" change.
                    Respawn locations are now saved into the replay file, this fixed couple issues about checkpoints.
            19:23 - Disabling checkpoint clears the current checkpoint in middle of the game now.
            15:10 - Fixed game was submitting the new replay when you do the same time.
            15:01 - Equal timed Leaderboard entries are sorted as "oldest first".
            14:31 - Resetting in first speedrun level restarts the speedrun now.
                    Fixed resetting in non-first speedrun level was pausing the timer.
                    Fixed resetting in non-first speedrun level was not applying +2 sec death penalty.
22.02.2017, 21:11 - Made all the actions bindable.
            16:28 - Removed Jump button was acting as "Apply" button.
            16:13 - Moved lhook.png and rhook.png into the spritesheet.
            13:49 - Fixed timer was not showing more than an hour.
21.02.2017, 18:26 - Added an option to move Speedometer to center.
            17:00 - "DASH - JUMP TWICE" text is now "DASH - JUMP,   DASH - JUMP" in Shinespark.
                    Added "DASH to SURF, JUMP DURING SURF" to Flea.
            16:54 - Portal does not teleport the camera if the destination is already in screen, like in Victim level.
            16:44 - RB (R1) is now default hook button for gamepads.
08.02.2017, 08:02 - Added Steam Session Authentication.
                    Removed Login.
                    Game now uses Steam accounts.
            01:42 - Removed patcher from client and the server.
                    We are officially on Steam as Beta now.
01.02.2017, 02:28 - Front dash particles are fading quicker.
31.01.2017, 23:02 - Dash particles have a non-colored texture on the colored texture now.
            21:59 - Dash particles now use a texture.
            18:55 - Added  "Dash-jump twice" text to Shinespark.
29.01.2017, 00:56 - Fixed lanterns were on even if decos are off.
            00:31 - Fixed hook trails were way too short when FPS was low(60).
28.01.2017, 17:32 - Editor: Fixed Hide Layers was not hiding enough.
            17:12 - Changed water color of Crystal chapter.
            09:34 - Fixed the timer was red when you die and change level.
27.01.2017, 19:06 - Halved the footstep volume.
            19:02 - Fixed the sliding sound bug.
            18:54 - Added normal and slimed wall-sliding sounds.
            17:18 - Footstep sounds are now different for all four chapters.
            15:33 - Changed slime wall contact sound.
            14:28 - Added slime wall contact sound.
            01:52 - Replaced "Climb" with "A wet level name".
            00:58 - Void and Uber Void are now official secret levels.
25.01.2017, 17:23 - Removed +2 SEC text from death penalty.
                    Timer runs 3x when you die until you spawn.
            16:06 - Added two seconds time penalty for each death.
                    Checkpoints refill the dash energy to max on death.
24.01.2017, 20:38 - Editor: Added decoration prop sprites.
                    Added example sprites as props to test, they are not saved into the level yet.
            15:09 - Fixed Speedrun Leaderboard was not resetting the cache after submitting a new score.
            00:47 - Fixed timer was resetting to 0 sometimes during a speedrun replay.
            00:15 - Fixed laser was killing when Kayra is standing on ground wall and ground wall surface is laser, and other situations rotated.
23.01.2017, 16:26 - Chopped chapter specific info from the card and placed it next to levels.
                    Removed gem and border info from chapter card.
            15:46 - Shrinked Level Selection card widths.
            14:41 - Fixed spamming direction key in Level Selection was selecting previous level when cursor hits to edge. 
            14:25 - Locked level icons are smaller and darker.
                    Beams connected to Locked levels are darker.
                    Locked level names are hidden.
            14:15 - Locked levels are not selectable now.
            14:09 - Camera position in Level Selection is now interpolated, smoother.
            13:37 - Editor: Fixed portals were functional in dev-mode.
            13:33 - Changed chapter paths.
            12:46 - Camera is locked on chapter in Level Selection now.
                    Locked levels are not hidden anymore.
22.01.2017, 18:32 - Changed rank calculation.
            16:24 - Fixed Speedrun Leaderboard was showing time difference when it shouldn't.
            13:45 - Fixed gamepad buttons were not handled at eventless input checks.
            13:28 - Checkpoint does not refill stamina now.
            12:33 - Fixed backhook corner-collision fail issue by improving hook collision detection.
            09:24 - Fixed hook pull on accelerating Hook Band was buggy. 
            00:14 - Improved eventless input checking.
21.01.2017, 23:48 - "L" key manually saves the current replay to "data/debug_replay_manual.ronr"
                    When player dies, current replay is saved to "data/debug_replay_death.ronr"
                    When player finishes the level, current replay is saved to "data/debug_replay_last_play.ronr"
            23:23 - Fixed gamepad was holding left, caused by recent replay updates.
            23:12 - Fixed hook beam lightning was appearing in air, in old position sometimes.
            21:47 - Fixed buttons were being stuck after returning from pause.
            13:26 - Fixed resetting from replay was resetting the key presses.
20.01.2017, 19:32 - Resetting from replay resets the timescale now.
            18:32 - Added all the missing extra slime tiles to make everything smoother.
                    Wrongly placed slimes are automatically removed, no more "x" tiles, instantly corrected in Editor too.
            12:35 - Fixed hook indicator was visible in leaderboard.
19.01.2017, 19:17 - Fixed game was choosing DSR resolution instead of desktop one if DSR is available.
            16:19 - Secret level gems are also gray now if official ghost is not beaten.
                    Reverted the official ghost being invisible update.
            14:13 - Official ghost is now invisible in Secret Levels.
            13:53 - Added Soggy level.
            13:41 - Fixed lasers at wall corners were bumpable in X axis, now they kill.
            12:44 - Secrets are invisible in Global Rankings now.
                    Secrets are excluded from the rank calculation and completion stats.
            11:32 - Fixed best time text was not being updated after you get PB and watch a replay.
            10:43 - Fixed title sprite's position was broken if view height was low.
            10:15 - Coded the blade collision circle size again.
            09:41 - Fixed iteration property was not working on easing waters.
            09:12 - Fixed accelerating hookband was buggy if player touches a wall.
18.01.2017, 10:20 - Made the hook indicator longer.
17.01.2017, 18:10 - Reverted the last change.
            17:33 - Hired orbs again to be hook indicator.
            16:09 - Added the stupid hook indicator back.
            15:49 - Fixed player collision and hook bugs.
                    Removed RGB split effect from death and spawn.
                    Reduced the amount camera being affected by movement speed.
16.01.2017, 16:58 - Fixed ghost was triggering RESET text.
            14:52 - Fixed hook dash pull was cancelling the hook.
            14:11 - Replaced kusipaskavittu with Area 1.
            12:46 - Changed color of helper button light, and made it transparent.
                    Fixed title and icons were scaling up with resolution being low.
                    Recoded all the collision responses when hook is active, it is rock solid now, no stretching and no bouncing.
            04:54 - Added website icon and social icons are now shown in splash screen.
            04:30 - Fixed title position issues caused by resolution changes.
            04:16 - Changed title position, removed developer text from splash screen. 
            03:49 - SiikiKala pimped the Level Selection sprites, the game title and the loading icon.
            02:19 - Fixed it was not opening the speedrun replay if some levels are missing.
                    Fixed replay state was staying when speedrun replay ends.
            00:48 - Fixed it was  keeping to press inputs after resetting while watching replay.
15.01.2017, 08:44 - Fixed ALT-Enter was going windowed mode from borderless.
            08:35 - Made the global rankings page background darker.
14.01.2017, 05:23 - Fixed the massive replay copying bug.
            04:47 - Renamed Virgin as Threshold.
13.01.2017, 21:23 - Reset button now suicides to teleport to checkpoint.
                    Double Tapping Reset button now resets the level as before.
            20:51 - Increased passive checkpoint alpha.
            14:39 - Took out Wetland and Swamp, added Virgin as first level.
            12:34 - Sticky keys are now forced to be disabled.
                    Game's main thread is now highest priority, this might fix the Level Selection BG loading freeze.
            09:51 - Default Hook key is Shift, dash key is D again.
            03:06 - Checkpoints are always enabled in Speedrun Mode. This fixes the desync of speedrun replays.
            03:01 - Fixed JORFs.
12.01.2017, 07:59 - Last played replay is saved locally to "data/last_replay.ronr" for debug purposes.
            05:04 - Fixed nae-chwan.
            04:52 - Fixed Jade leaderboard was opening when sand speedrun is ran.
            04:46 - Fixed cursor was being on Jade on Speedrun Menu every time it opens.
            04:24 - Fixed watching some speedrun replays were crashing the game.
            04:19 - Using JSON instead of CBOR again.
            03:21 - Fixed speedrun times were not showing.
            02:58 - Increased background tile layer brightness from 12 to 15.
            02:56 - Added new soundtrack: Heights.
                    Reordered the OST playlist.
            02:55 - Removed the hook indicator for the greater good.
            02:10 - Hook indicator is now cleaner looking, more subtle and fixed size.
11.01.2017, 07:51 - Cleaned up Level Selection background level loading code.
            06:43 - Fixed the rank icons.
            06:15 - Reverted the border change.
            05:39 - Changed rank colors, first 4 are chapter colors and last 4 are gray.
                    Level Selection level border colors are now same as the global ranks (calculated on dominance).
10.01.2017, 23:53 - Fixed secret gem color bug in Level Selection.
            22:22 - Hook trail is more precise now.
                    Hook indicator is now very precise about future prediction.
            20:01 - Secret level color is now crimson.
            19:08 - Fixed rank icon colors.
            18:47 - Level Selection chapter card shows only the current chapter.
            18:22 - Level Selection cursor and free roam cursor are now sprites, makes them look smoother.
            17:28 - Secret level gem color is now same for all secrets.
            17:21 - Implemented all 24 achievement triggers.
09.01.2017, 17:11 - Fixed there were spawning very bad looking dusts because of small touches at corners of tiles.
            16:32 - Fixed variable height jump was not working when hook key was held.
            16:24 - Fixed walljump was resetting X speed when player is pretty fast already.
            05:30 - Fixed a mysterious bug: Music was changing every frame.
            03:12 - Set the default hook key to S because of the Windows' sticky SHIFT issue.
                    Hook helper is disabled but default. It gets enabled at second level.
08.01.2017, 22:55 - Took the Ruins out, Swamp is enough.
                    Added light beam behind the helper text.
                    Helper text now fades in and out.
                    Made the background tile layers %40 darker. 
07.01.2017, 09:00 - Fixed Speedrun System was not functioning.
            07:33 - Speedmeter values are now rounded.
                    Reverted the christmas theme. 
            04:19 - Fixed Level name and author was overlapping the timers, now it's on top.
            00:35 - Fixed walljump was resetting the vertical speed.
06.01.2017, 22:35 - Added next level button back to Level Selection.
            21:20 - Replay speed resets on Alt-TAB.
            20:59 - Sped up the brake animation.
                    Fixed hook lightning effect and limited grappling tile light were behind the tiles.
                    Doubled the dust effects because they were not very visible.
                    Increased the brightness of dust effects.
                    Orbs are now hidden.
                    Hook indicator is now on by default.
04.01.2017, 19:15 - Added new, 11th soundtrack, Noble.
02.01.2017, 23:23 - Kayra now hugs the slimed wall.
                    Added slimed wall sliding particles.
            23:15 - Fixed wall direction was not set on slimed wall.
                    Fixed slimes between two tile walls had wrong sprite(x).
30.12.2016, 20:20 - Fixed the download.
            08:51 - Server sends CBOR respond now.
            07:26 - CBOR is binary now instead of hex, a lot smaller.
            05:49 - Client sends CBOR data now.
            00:58 - Title voice is updated again to be stronger by Jon Bailey(Smosh's Honest Game Trailers / ScreenJunkies Honest Trailers)
29.12.2016, 23:24 - Big update: Changed JSON library, there might be bugs.
28.12.2016, 01:26 - Cleaned code for removing authors from officials.
            00:59 - Added Scanner, Luminous, Force levels to officials and took Turbine out.
            00:32 - Increased wall-jump tolerance time from 100 to 150.
            00:10 - Fixed patcher was stuck when the file it should remove does not exist.
27.12.2016, 19:38 - Fixed line glows of Lasers, Homing Turrets, Hook Bands were being invisible if the center of line was not in window.
            17:28 - Fixed slimes of Corrosion, Freeway, Buried levels.
            16:03 - Official levels are now separated in "maps/official" folder.
                    Removed authors from the official level names.
            06:05 - Fixed "Cure" and "Secure" name confusion when searching.
            05:52 - Hook key toggles "Search Level by Name" mode in Level Selection, Speedrun, Global Rankings Inspect mode.
26.12.2016, 00:19 - Back to Level Selection button now keeps the cursor on same level.
                    Timer is hidden in Practice Lair.
25.12.2016, 23:37 - Added Self Control level to chapter 1 and moved Roundabout to chapter 2.
24.12.2016, 20:17 - Added "Skip track" button helper to Sound options.
            18:43 - Only Line and Only Lightning beam customization options are now thicker.
            17:26 - Added inner corner visuals for surfaces.
            05:18 - Fixed "Watch my own replay" was being the player's ghost if player is WR.
            05:03 - Official and helper ghosts has default colors now, instead of player's.
            04:58 - Fixed watch my own replay was resetting the player customization.
            04:10 - Fixed slight wall-clipping was happening while swinging.
            03:27 - MOAR SNO!
            03:06 - 2X snows and they all parallax independant from eachother.
            02:57 - Fixed Screenshot(F12) was not working.
            01:50 - It's snowing now!
            01:42 - IT'S CHRISTMAS!!
            01:23 - Fixed hook beam particles were getting removed when player dies.
                    Hook beam particles 
23.12.2016, 23:18 - Fixed "Best:" text was being wrong sometimes.
            21:34 - Fixed ghost was being a better player even if "Personal Best" is selected.
            20:55 - Fixed restart from "Watch my last run" was showing the official ghost.
            20:06 - Fixed hook color of ghosts were also changing.
                    Fixed replay player's hook color was changing.
            20:04 - Fixed slimes were not getting copied on edges.
            05:26 - All the slimes are now surfaces, top does not affect sides for example.
            02:20 - Editor: Hookband is also a ruler of the Editor now.
            00:50 - Added iteration option for Raising Waters.
22.12.2016, 23:24 - Editor: Decoration tiles are now controllable with arrow keys.
                    Coded auto-tiling for 2x2 rocks but it is disabled atm due to technical limitations.
            04:03 - Metal step sounds are only in Metal chapter now.
                    All the Metal chapter tiles act like metal, less dust.
                    Non-grappling tiles don't act like metal now. 
            03:53 - Randomized water, rock and dust particle sizes.
            02:56 - Button Helper texts are now bigger.
                    Replaced "JUMP" Button Helper text with "JUMP, HOLD TO GO HIGHER".
            02:36 - Added light to lantern, in editor they become visible when level refreshes.
            01:40 - Fixed ghost was not there when you were WR.
                    Ghost resets when you change "Ghost Replay" setting and quit to Level Selection once.
            00:08 - Added new decoration tiles!
21.12.2016, 19:39 - Fixed there was appearing small hook beam lightning for a moment in air.
            19:16 - Fixed there were levitating particles hanging in air.
            18:57 - Fixed joystick was not working properly in some places when couple of them are connected.
            18:16 - Fixed some basic options things.
            16:50 - Added 1px black outline to texts. 
            00:48 - Updated SFML version from 2.3.1 to 2.4.1.
                    Made the code totally Linux compatible and tested in Ubuntu 16.04.
                    Darkened the backgrounds tile layers by 20%.
19.12.2016, 02:53 - Recoded the finishing level and leaderboard stuff, probably fixed many issues.
18.12.2016, 00:58 - Two levels became secrets.
            00:06 - Blocked some actions like "Reset Level" when player breaks his record, blocked until replay is submit.
17.12.2016, 21:30 - Added Waste Pit.
            16:11 - Editor: Fixed mouse scroll bug.
            05:16 - Editor: M2 click during M1 hold cancels object placement.
            04:37 - Removed "Next Level" button from Leaderboard.
                    Added "Watch my last run" button.
                    Leaderboard cursor lands on "Back to Level Selection" when Leaderboard opens.
                    "Back to Level Selection" button moves the Level Selection cursor to the next level if player just played the level.
            03:19 - Helper ghost does not restart if it's still playing.
                    Helper ghost restarts when it's done and player is still inside the trigger box.
            02:43 - Logout needs confirm now.
            02:01 - Added a Gameplay Option: Ghost Replay now can be player's own best record. 
15.12.2016, 05:32 - Fixed helper ghosts were invisible in Dev-mode.
            04:56 - Fixed helper ghost rendering was broken.
            02:48 - Epic patcher update, now patcher can patch itself.
                    Patcher is detached from game dlls, allows version changes in compiler and libraries of the Game.
                    All the Windows dependent code are replaced with cross-platform ones.
            00:00 - Fixed wall-jump from no-wj slime was possible if you slide down on it from a walljumpable wall.
14.12.2016, 23:52 - Slimes now have 3 types: No-walljump, Hookable, Both.
            20:24 - Fixed screenshotting. (F12)
            19:30 - Editor: Fixed slimes were not auto-tiling again after a normal tile replacement.
            19:24 - Fixed slimez.
            18:48 - Added Slime tiles and auto-tiling system for it.
            04:15 - Increased the wall-jump after leaving the wall tolerance from 60 ms to 150 ms.
            01:17 - Hid the locked levels.
            00:39 - Target Time in Level Selection is now RED if it's not reached and GOLD if reached.
            00:33 - Put a 16 px upper limit for blade collision box tolerance.
            00:14 - Added non-spammable refresh button for leaderboards.
13.12.2016, 22:51 - Level Selection free-roam cursor moves faster now.
            21:11 - Added Squeezebox, Protos, Stronghold, Victim levels.
            20:41 - Added Trempe and Chasm.
            03:05 - Free-roam in Level Selection starts immidately if there is no level in that direction.
            02:52 - Tweaked running dust particle direction.
            02:40 - Changed the camera focus of Level Selection to be on free roam cursor instead of the real one.
            02:24 - Adjusted Level Selection offsets and sizes.
            01:30 - Made the light bigger.
            01:11 - Changed chapter colors.
            00:59 - Enlarged the level icons.
                    Changed the level icons.
12.12.2016, 03:44 - Fixed Global Rankings GUI.
            03:25 - Changed ranks. Discord and rank icons are not updated yet.
            02:15 - Fixed Swamp helper texts.
            01:51 - Fixed leaderboard sound was playing even if quit too fast after finishing.
            01:18 - Fixed ESC + Show leaderboards spam was making the game stay black screen.
            01:08 - Fixed Custom Levels List rank was not getting updated after getting better.
11.12.2016, 22:27 - Fixed secret was not resetting at death to checkpoint.
            22:00 - Updated Sewers.
            21:37 - Rearranged chapters and the Level Selection grid.
            20:15 - Added all the button helpers.
            18:13 - Renamed Bravestar as Shinespark.
            17:40 - Merged Twin Peaks and The Pull as Wind Up.
                    Disabled button helpers for now.
            15:55 - Secret needs to be carried to end in order to be revealed. 
                    Reset secret progress so you guys can test.
            14:10 - Updated Friendly as Lush.
            13:49 - Replaced Filesystem with a cross-platform one to increase portability.
                    Fixed playing local custom levels in Offline Mode (still disabled).
            12:46 - In Level Selection, gems are now gray for the levels that doesn't pass target time.
            12:22 - Fixed objects which are supposed to be in front of tiles were behind.
                    Fixed rank formula was problematic when leaderboard size was 1.
            03:09 - MAJOR CHANGE: Fixed over 2500 warnings, some data-type changes broke couple replays.
09.12.2016, 22:27 - Fixed jorfs.
                    Added 10px toleranced legless collision box back.
08.12.2016, 23:51 - Removed legless collision box tolerance in air.
            03:26 - Set default FPS Cap to 500.
                    Fixed FPS Cap menu stuff was broken.
            02:48 - Excluded Secret Levels from Speedrun System.
            02:33 - Fixed it was possible to play secret levels by pressing "next level".
            02:15 - Game now remembers unlocked secret levels.
            01:52 - Secret level unlock notification is getting safefully sent to server now.
07.12.2016, 23:56 - Added a test secret in Wetland.
            22:08 - Adding secret levels, it's not complete yet.
            03:45 - Halved the water friction.
                    Reverted the water friction updates.
            02:54 - Fixed the weird water wavy floating bug which existed for a long time, noone noticed.
            02:30 - Surf resets double-jump.
            01:56 - Removed water friction.
                    Increased minimum surf speed from 400 to 800. Kayra can surf if he is dashing even if his X speed is < 800.
06.12.2016, 18:29 - Level Selection Chapter card now also shows Gold and Silver levels.
            17:18 - Target Time is shown again in Level Selection level card.
            17:09 - Fixed Level Upload was not overwriting the Official Time if the level already exists.
            03:21 - Checkpoint IDs are a lot more clever now. (Leave empty or -1 to auto ID)
            01:31 - Back-hook does not land ONLY on Non-grappling tile without slime. It lands if you put slime on it.
            00:56 - Fixed a bug, ESC menu was opening again at spawn, caused by input buffering.
05.12.2016, 02:07 - Decoration IDs are a lot more clever now, invulnerable to size changes. Thanks to @Teraka for the idea.
                    Editor: Decoration palette automaticly picks it's size depending on the tileset image.
            00:23 - Polished menu cursor, now it fades out towards right.
                    Micro-optimized the shaders and put minimal version tag on them.
04.12.2016, 23:18 - Fixed level dominance% colors were wrong.
            22:46 - Changed Level Selection icon looks.
                    Added Target(Official) Time to level card.
            12:41 - Fixed lasers and turrets were behind the tiles.
            12:02 - Added Ruins level to officials, moved Spin to chapter-2.
            11:41 - Fullscreen Mode now has a separate resolution setting instead of forcing the max.
03.12.2016, 02:41 - Recoded all the shaders to work perfectly even with GLSL Version 1.10 (oldest).
            00:45 - Made the water more transparent.
                    Decreased the reflection opacity.
                    Made the water slightly brighter since it's a gameplay element.
            00:37 - Tiles are now drawn in front of Kayra, which fixes million bugs.
                    Game looks a lot more polished now.
                    Front-layer is a thing.
                    Decoration tiles can be in front of Kayra, which looks neat.
                    Water rendering performance is boosted.
02.12.2016, 23:03 - Added Distort effect to waters.
            00:26 - Checkpoint update: Separated the spawn point from trigger area.
                    Checkpoint update: Added Order ID input.
01.12.2016, 18:05 - Fixed accelerators were looking black in Level Selection background.
            17:45 - Fixed level load was failing very rarely.
            00:57 - Fixed level load was failing for levels with Helper Ghosts.
            00:10 - Decreased the opacity of blade trails.
30.11.2016, 23:58 - Updated Jade and decoration tilesets.
            23:52 - Added 64 ms tolerance window for holding jump-key before contacting the water/wall/ground.
            19:31 - Decreased water surf friction from 1.5x to 1x.
            19:15 - Hook is always launched in the last input direction instead of facing direction when both direction keys are held.
                    Kayra moves in last input direction instead of stopping, when both direction keys are held.
            17:09 - Reverted blade hitbox change.
            16:49 - Hook can land on hookbeams only after 2 frames (16 ms) now.
            14:20 - Kayra is bullet-proof for 625 ms instead of 500 ms when he dashes. (it's still 500 ms for Walter bombs)
            14:02 - Faster stamina regen starts in 250 ms instead of 500 now.
            13:52 - Fixed walter bomb radius was being a problem on explosion boost speed calculation.
                    Decreased max speed walter bomb can give from 1750 to 1650.
            12:57 - Increased the walter bomb hitbox from 0.75X to 1.5X of the sprite size.
29.11.2016, 18:36 - Set the Texture Smoothing Filter to be on by default.
            18:28 - Title screen has 50% less lightnings.
                    Shrinked all the blades in all the levels on database to look like before. Thanks a lot to @Yengas for automating this!
            14:38 - Fixed Blade sizes were smaller than the entered input in Level Editor. (They look bigger now.)
                    Blade collision box is now same size as sprite, it was around 0.8 before.
            09:30 - Added Texture Smoothing Filter option.
            01:10 - Added an option to disable joystick/gamepad inputs even if device is active.
            00:49 - Added the round light back for menus.
            00:33 - Walter bombs now refresh the double jump.
27.11.2016, 23:17 - Fixed blade size was too big.
            20:26 - Blade centers are lighter color now.
            20:10 - Editor: Instead of 1000 limit for level size x and y, there is limit for x * y < 1000000 now.
            16:11 - Replaced Pond with Ponddle.
            03:46 - Each tap + hold does only one dash now.
            03:22 - Kayra dashes immidiately if dash button is down.
            03:10 - Added trail to blade and slowed it down a tiny bit.
            02:36 - Changed the blade sprite. (Thanks a lot to Darya(@sapdash))
                    Blade has an alternative sprite with dragon tattoo on it, randomly chosen.
                    Blade now has a middle part which does not rotate.
26.11.2016, 23:11 - Changed light sprite.
11.11.2016, 19:00 - Changed the ranking formula.
10.11.2016, 21:06 - Changed the favicon.
09.11.2016, 15:58 - Fixed it was not reverting the stats after inspecting a player and you have levels you didn't complete.
            13:44 - Fixed parallax background shader was broken for some shitty GPUs.
            13:30 - Fixed it was not getting out of replay mode when it should.
            00:53 - Added Y axis parallax background scrolling.
08.11.2016, 22:22 - Fixed speedrun replay player's name was getting lost when he dies.
                    Fixed replay state was being off when player dies in a replay.
            21:37 - Detected and fixed 3 possible crash points. Need feedback about the crashes we had if they still exist.
07.11.2016, 01:55 - Removed the dynamic FPS Cap.
            01:45 - Blue is shinier now.
06.11.2016, 23:38 - Fixed game was not fetching the ghost replay if you are #1.
            23:26 - Fixed official ghost was visible if you had same time with him.
05.11.2016, 12:36 - Lowered the pitch randomization of dash sound effect.
            01:00 - Removed "ENTER - Start" from splash screen.
            00:42 - Slightly randomized dash, dash-jump, ground-contact sounds' pitch. (-0.1, +0.1)
                    Increased the dash-jump sfx volume.
04.11.2016, 23:34 - Fixed falling on a laser was not killing in first frame of collision.
            20:45 - Added a mutex to Level Load function, might prevent some super rare crashes. 
            19:24 - Fixed camera was shaking when view height was small in some levels.
                    Maximum steer degrees of Bullets is 30 now.
            18:04 - FPS cap refreshes more often.
                    Background tile layers are now brighter.
                    Camera in Level Selection focuses more on the current selected level.
03.11.2016, 17:31 - Fixed Rank announce screen was waiting too long.
            08:49 - Fixed Rank announce was buggy when enter was spammed.
            01:32 - Took out Braincancer and Puddle.
02.11.2016, 18:08 - Editor: Fixed F9(Reload tileset and backgrounds) was resetting the theme.
            17:11 - Updated Hard to Reach.
            17:02 - Removed acute, updated Corrosion.
            16:29 - Editor: Fixed game was crashing when "Time" input of Blade was empty.
            00:00 - Disabled FPS cap by default.
                    FPS cap is checked every 10 seconds instead of every frame.
31.10.2016, 00:53 - Fixed the zoom and enabled it again.
            00:38 - Disabled the leaderboard zoom because it was buggy in some situations.
30.10.2016, 16:43 - Fixed anti-cheat bug was false reporting.
            16:27 - Lowered the volume of portal entrance, fall, wall-contact, jumps, dashes and steps.
            02:22 - Lasers on walls wasn't killing before player touches the wall.
            01:00 - Fixed anti-cheat was not functional.
            00:00 - Fixed more 1D Lighting bugs.
29.10.2016, 23:26 - Fixed the laser bug that 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees were acting weird.
            22:54 - Fixed the annoying cheat alert.
            22:16 - Fixed some bugs of 1D lighting.
            19:24 - Added 1D Shadows/Lighting.
            13:41 - Laser sentry sprite and laser particles are invisible if it's a Rotating Laser with 0 speed.
            02:42 - Fixed the All Chapters speedrun HUD.
                    It now shows text if it detected cheat. (It's a false alert)
            00:39 - Fixed a small bug.
28.10.2016, 23:33 - Player Colors and Beam Style are now visible in Speedrun Replays.
            23:25 - Added "Watch Replay" helper button in Level Selection of Inspect.
            23:00 - New Feature: You can now inspect any player's Level Selection screen and watch replays, from Global Rankings.
            17:01 - Fixed Speedrun Replay Username was wrong. 
            10:16 - Fixed "Hide Played" was broken in Custom Level listing options.
            09:45 - Time info is now shown when Speedrun is done, in Leaderboard.
27.10.2016, 18:48 - Speedrun Replays are now watchable on Leaderboard!
            16:23 - Editor: Player to cursor on Player Spawn.
                    Editor: Fixed Player Spawn cursor positioning was not same as placing it.
            15:58 - Editor: Added Change Category(Tiles/Objects) keybind. (default: TAB)
            15:29 - Fixed Level Selection background scrolling was broken in different view heights.
            15:02 - Fixed camera was shaking madly in some levels.
            13:51 - Fixed Level Selection background was black when user had no config file.
            13:31 - Converted all tilesets to 32x32 and polished them.
            08:56 - Fixed AI cycles were not resetting in Speedrun.
            01:52 - Started adding the Speedrun Replay System, not done yet.
            00:10 - Fixed the crash in Level Selection.
26.10.2016, 23:38 - Recolored the Metal theme background to blueish from green.
            19:56 - Replay speed does not reset when replay is reset now.
24.10.2016, 01:01 - Portals and Waters move, Lasers work in Level Selection background now.
                    Fixed the Level Selection background scrolling movement was too fast in small levels.
            00:54 - Fixed the Level Selection background scrolling movement was too fast in big levels.
            00:21 - Eased the Level Selection background scrolling movement.
23.10.2016, 23:12 - Level Selection background now scrolls slowly.
            21:43 - Fixed the Level Selection flicker.
            18:29 - Level Selection menu now shows the selected level as background. (There still might be bugs, tell me if you catch any)
            18:26 - Editor: Fixed the cursor position issues when view height was not same with resolution height.
            16:41 - Fixed Saw ambient sound was not looping perfectly.
22.10.2016, 16:06 - Fixed chapter name was not shown in Speedrun.
            15:51 - Polished the speedrun UI.
            13:54 - Fixed Sand theme parallax background was not parallaxing perfectly.
            13:40 - Increased server security.
21.10.2016, 21:30 - Speedrun card now compares the best run with the current one.
                    Speedrun Menu now shows the levels of the selected chapter.
            00:38 - Fixed couple Speedrun Menu bugs.
20.10.2016, 22:20 - Speedrun Menu looks like Level Selection Menu now.
            01:34 - Fixed the odd black-screen frame happens when a full-screen effect is used for first time, like blur.
                    Editor: Fixed the Level Window's size was too small sometimes.
15.10.2016, 15:05 - Fixed Speedrun -> Speedrun Leaderboard menu sound was delayed.
                    Fixed the Total Time text position in Speedrun Leaderboard.
            14:39 - Removed ghost's rank text.
            14:36 - Added the Leaderboard hotkey helper to Speedrun menu.
            14:18 - Finally added the Speedrun System, it is not really ready so wipes might happen, BETA!
12.10.2016, 16:48 - Fixed Leaderboard page was not changing to default when "Next Level" is used.
                    Fixed Left & Right buttons were not working on Leaderboard when cursor was not on a leaderboard entry.
            11:45 - Fetching all ranks in the official levels at login, "opening a level with ghost" is one query faster now, so it fetches only the ghost.
            10:14 - Fixed Custom Levels Leaderboard was showing the wrong person on ties if Leaderboard is opened from gameplay.
            09:57 - Beam humming sound effect volume increases while pulling.
            09:40 - Fixed couple UI fading issues.
                    Slowed down the ESC and Leaderboard fading.
                    Leaderboard now blocks inputs for a while to prevent gameplay presses on Menu.
11.10.2016, 17:14 - Fixed the rank was not refreshing when player finishes the level with a better score.
            00:59 - Official Ghost is not visible if player beat it already.
10.10.2016, 18:47 - Fixed Helper ghosts were desyncing.
09.10.2016, 19:43 - Fixed ghost was invisible in first Custom Level play.
            19:19 - Fixed "Next Level" button on Leaderboard was not working.
            18:18 - Official ghost is now visible.
            15:32 - Editor's Level upload now uploads the Official Ghost's replay and time.
                    Official Times of official levels are fetched from the server dynamically.
08.10.2016, 20:16 - Renamed "Sandy" theme to "Sand".
                    Fixed the highlighted line thickness bug in Level Selection. 
            00:36 - Editor: Fixed mouse cursor position was weirdly wrong in windowed mode.
                    Editor: Fixed the minimap was not showing the current view area correctly.
                    Editor: Fixed cursor was not clicking to the decoration tile grid properly when zoomed in or out.
04.10.2016, 02:54 - Fixed two back parallax layers were too slow, almost static.
            02:35 - Camera now stops moving if it's close enough to the target position. (distance < 10px)
                        It fixes the annoying 1px per second sliding of the camera when player does not move.
            02:22 - Added the second airborne leg frame used while jumping or swinging.
03.10.2016, 22:47 - The view scales insanely smooth now. (when view height is not equal to resolution height)
            17:49 - Dash bar goes invisible if it's full.
            17:10 - Added parallax background for Metal theme (Chapter-3).
                    Renamed asset names cave -> jade     lab -> metal
01.10.2016, 23:37 - Added functionality to "Next Level" button.
            22:40 - Level leaderboards are now cached separately.
29.09.2016, 00:31 - "Not enough dash energy" sound now changes pitch depending on the current energy.
            00:22 - Muted "Not enough dash energy" sound for replays.
28.09.2016, 23:35 - Added "Not enough dash energy" sound.
            16:16 - Increased the visibility of Level Selection cursor.
            15:31 - Renamed crash_report.txt to log.txt.
                    Leaderboard cursor goes onto Back to Level Selection for now.
            15:01 - Beams around cursor is getting thicker in Level Selection.
            14:02 - Fixed the tile bleeding in Metal theme.
27.09.2016, 17:33 - Fixed it was announcing the "Promoted" every time.
            17:14 - Fixed Level Selection NaN% bug.
            16:33 - Added full-screen Rank Announcements.
            14:05 - Helper buttons are not shown if level is cleared.
                    Fixed the borders of areas which trigger the "Pull" button helpers in the level "The Pull".
            02:31 - Fixed previous dead chunk was staying around in some situations.
            02:18 - Increased Grid Spacing slightly in Level Selection.
                    Level and Chapter names are now bigger in Level Selection cards.
                    Minimum beam thickness is now higher in Level Selection.
                    Renamed "Lab" to "Metal".
                    ESC button press in Title Screen quits the game.
                    Renamed "Window Resolution" to "Windowed Mode Resolution".
            01:22 - Chapter card is also fading in from left now.
                    Cards are fading in from left every time level selection opens.
                    Renamed "Perfection" to "Dominance".
                    Shrinked the texts in Level Selection.
                    Added Dominance % and Official Time Badge counts to Chapters card.
                    Renamed chapters. (Jade, Sandy, Lab, Crystal)
                    Polished Level Selection cards.
26.09.2016, 19:07 - Smoothed the Rectangle accelerators animation.
            16:41 - Replaced Level selection + with O and polished it. 
            16:11 - Increased the performance in the Menus which don't show the game world.
            15:25 - Added "Vignette & RGB Split" option to Graphics Settings.
                    Added "Level Coloring" option to Graphics Settings.
            03:38 - Game now generates a "data/key_list.txt" file which has all key names known by this game.
                    Game now creates a "data/editor.cfg" file which includes editable keybindings for the Level Editor.
                    Added "<>" between editor key helper texts to improve readability.
            01:55 - Hook path indicator is now drawn after colorizing the level, became more clear.
            01:22 - Removed the forcing highest CPU priority code.
                    Leaderboard always opens the first page and puts the cursor to #1.
                    Leaderboard keeps the page and cursor position after watching replay.
            00:58 - Fixed camera was not centering the level properly when level is smaller than view.
            00:17 - Music pauses and it does not stream data if Music or Master volume is 0.
                    Soundtrack name is not announced if Music or Master volume is 0.
25.09.2016, 00:40 - Halved the orb-lightning effect's visibility.
            00:20 - Menus remember the last selection of the cursor now.
                    Level Selection shows a darkened artwork as background now.
24.09.2016, 22:11 - Added a portal sound, temporary until someone finds a better one.
            21:05 - Made a low budget landing animation by stretching the character.
            01:27 - Replaced the square sprite and added a circle one.
            00:42 - Added a diamond sprite instead of dynamicly drawn rectangle as level icon.
23.09.2016, 19:03 - Special level dot's are rectangles now.
            18:22 - Tweaked the dot light.
            18:02 - Level Selection dot light is now smaller.
            17:47 - Fixed the laser was not working when placed on top of the tile and looking right.
            17:33 - Added Light to special level dots.
            15:24 - Level card is now invisible after you finish a level for first time, then it fades in. Same for game launch.
            15:13 - Level card moves left and fading out if the level is not completed. 
                    There is an white outline around  the level circle if official time is beaten.
            01:41 - Added a new card in Level Selection, shows chapter progresses separately.
            00:41 - Level Selection now also shows "Time" in the level card.
22.09.2016, 20:47 - Removed "author" and "official" info from Level files.
            14:46 - Put Aqua level as optional.
21.09.2016, 23:08 - Fixed the Line - AABB collision detection, (the tip of laser was killing in rare situations even if it is short and far)
            14:34 - Fixed couple small binding bugs.
                    Rearranged the Controls menu.
            13:26 - Added a layout setting for Xbox and Dualshock in Controls menu.
            03:17 - Optimized Custom Levels and some other query response times a lot.
            01:12 - Optimized server-side of Global Rankings, Leaderboards and more, reduced response time dramatically. 
20.09.2016, 23:53 - Dualshock and Xbox binds are saved separately.
            21:07 - Removed Xbox - DualShock button layout selection in Controls.
                    Added DualShock controller support.
                    Fixed it was "APPLY"ing in Menu when Jump button and Back button were same bind.
            10:33 - Changed Crystal theme's dust and water colors.
19.09.2016, 22:10 - Fixed ghost's invisible copy of Walter bomb Turret was making sounds.
            18:12 - Fixed all the raycast issues of lasers & turrets when they are placed on corner or edges of tiles.
            16:51 - Fixed main ghost was not interacting with walter bomb turrets.
            15:17 - Hookbands are now drawn behind the level.
                    Accelerating hookbands now show the speed and direction with bars.
            07:44 - "JUMP" key on keyboard also works as "APPLY" button in Menus now.
18.09.2016, 00:27 - Added Chapter-4(Crystals) Parallax Background.
            00:19 - Fixed dash particles were getting removed on death.
            00:09 - Editor: Mouse scroll zooms now.
16.09.2016, 01:33 - Added the Crystal(Chapter-4) theme tileset!
                    Replaced the broken green tiles in Sandy(Chapter-2) theme tileset.
15.09.2016, 23:57 - Improved the FPS counter, it refreshes a lot quicker now.
                    FPS counter now shows vsync state too.
                    Removed TPS info from the FPS stats.
                    Removed the movement of the used orb when player dashed.
                    Orbs are now drawn behind the player to distract less and look cleaner.
                    Orbs are now 25% more transparent.
                    Added an electric link between orbs which is barely visible.
            19:01 - Decreased the waiting time for faster regen from 1.0 to 0.5 seconds.
            18:37 - Dash regenerates at 3X speed after 1 second of standing still.
            17:16 - Added the 80 energy line to the dash bar.
            16:56 - Toned down the effects a little.
            16:47 - Level Selection link glow is now thinner.
                    Level Selection nodes are waving.
                    Level Selection cursor is now a magnet for the nodes.
            15:33 - Level Selection links are shining up and down instead of flickering now.
            15:00 - Ghost is getting more transparent as it's closer to the player.
                    Increased default Ghost Visibility from 2 to 6.
14.09.2016, 00:14 - Menu cursor now shines.
13.09.2016, 22:01 - Fixed Ghost was dying to a laser.
            21:41 - Added Apply sound when ESC is pressed.
11.09.2016, 02:03 - Added OS-level optimization, setting game's priority to high automatically.
            00:59 - Increased menu fade time from 0.2 to 0.25 seconds to have a smoother feel on low Hz monitors.
            00:38 - Fixed Apply button was not playing the Apply sound in Splash Screen.
            00:19 - Game now ignores very long clock times such as game's launch, which makes the game's launch and some other situations smoother.
10.09.2016, 23:57 - Game starts with black screen now, not white.
09.09.2016, 19:48 - Level Selection screen links are now changing thickness, feeling more alive.
            17:50 - Replaced "Score" with "Perfection %".
                    Lowered Perfection's decimal count in from 3 to 2.
            17:06 - Level Selection now shows the level score out of 100.
                    Added a basic level card to Level Selection screen.
            15:36 - Level Selection now shows ranks and clear counts of the levels.
            14:34 - Started adding ranks to Level Selection.
08.09.2016, 17:10 - Renamed Practice Lair and Custom Levels buttons in Main Menu.
07.09.2016, 15:25 - Fixed Hook Beam Particles were getting drawn twice in some situations.
            14:54 - Lightning strikes 4 tiles higher now, fixes the situation when top of the lightning showing up on a camera shake.
                    Fixed lightning effect was not striking if player died dropping bottom edge of the level.
            13:40 - Added "left time" indicator on Limited Grappling tiles.
                    Fixed a crash about slimemap again.
05.09.2016, 19:24 - Increased the brightness of Red, Purple, Green and Blue colors.
            18:26 - Fixed a small bug in slime detection.
            17:38 - Fixed front hook's glow position was wrong while swinging.
            16:17 - Added a basic idle standing animation.
04.09.2016, 03:31 - Added a cool animated sprite for Portals.
            02:07 - Added 10 levels: Friendly, Tower of Joy, Furious Heights, Aqua, Freeway, Artesian Basin, Breeze, Acute, Braincancer, Spin(Fly V3).
31.08.2016, 17:54 - Fixed Menu button which opens Leaderboard is now binded cleverly, arrow keys don't intersect with the Dash button.
            02:35 - Fixed new song was not being slow-mo or fast when music changes during replay and replay is not 1X.
                    Fixed Penumbra OST was not resetting it's pitch after being fast/slow in a replay.
            02:27 - Fixed Lightning effect's position on Title was broken when view height is changed.
30.08.2016, 21:17 - Added four levels: Broken thing, descent, Crossfade, Inertia.
            14:15 - Added the level: Plumber.
            13:04 - Fixed laser was not checking collision against the legless player collision box when he was in mid-air.
            00:38 - Fixed it was possible to open second page when there are 10 entries on the leaderboard. (second page is empty)
                    Removed the % completion info from the Level Selection since there will be 100 levels anyways.
            00:15 - Tilde button skips the track now, instead of TAB because Shift + Tab situation is problematic on Steam.
29.08.2016, 21:53 - Added "Now Playing" soundtrack notification pop-up.
                    TAB/Right Analog buttons now skip the current soundtrack.
            16:47 - Made the Zigzag harder.
            16:33 - Put Reddit and Twitter links to Main Menu.
            13:55 - Fixed toggling lasers were killing even when they are passive.
                    Moved Roundabout and The Gap to Chapter-2 because Chapter-1 had 27 levels.
            03:20 - Added three more levels: Lift, Zigzag, Floodgate
28.08.2016, 13:24 - Fixed the loading-flicker caused by loading hook texture more than once.
            01:19 - Changed open leaderboard key to Dash instead of Hook. (Shift was problematic with Shift+Tab of Steam)
26.08.2016, 18:45 - Editor: Fixed it was crashing when End Level object's size is negative.
            18:26 - Objects are now drawn behind the character.
            18:13 - Fixed player was landing for a frame without dying even if there is a laser on the ground.
            14:42 - Updated Hadrian Split level.
                    Added two more levels: Secure, Spiral.
            01:38 - Fixed a Custom Level Ghost bug.
                    Added a new level to officials: Rush
25.08.2016, 22:20 - Swapped Hard to Reach with Corrosion in Level Selection.
            22:01 - Added Buried to officials.
            20:58 - Added DualShock gamepad layout option.
            01:55 - Fixed when you break your score and reset too quickly randomly during a level the leaderboard loading logo pops up. 
            01:41 - Fixed Lightning strike effect was happening on Leaderboard opening because current state becomes Game Loop before Menu opens sometimes.
            01:27 - Fixed ghost was not moving when player starts playing from Leaderboard in Custom Levels.
            01:07 - Fixed a crash which occurs when player throws the hook outside of the level.
24.08.2016, 20:23 - Completed the missing parts of Chapter-3(Lab) tiles.
            18:58 - Fixed ghost was broken if level started from a replay/leaderboard of a Custom Level.
            18:00 - Fixed splash screen was appearing for a moment like flicker at level load. (took 6 hours)
            01:39 - Fixed title animation was stopping when window lost focus.
            01:02 - Renamed "Completion: 52/100" to "Purged 52 of 100"
            00:43 - Added a new level: FTL.
                    Re-arranged the level selection nodes.
            00:19 - Swapped Naezith wallpaper with Naezith Ascending in Menus.
23.08.2016, 23:35 - Fixed Camera was not centering the level when level size was just a little bit smaller than view.
            16:15 - Added button helpers to some levels,
                        Dash in Puddle
                        Hold Hook to Swing in Pond
                        Hold Hook + Jump to Pull in The Pull
                        Dash-jump in Bravestar
                    Re-arranged the first chapter levels.
            00:06 - Replaced boring Main Menu button names with cool ones.
22.08.2016, 16:47 - Fixed game was reading the save-file wrong, was including the removed levels.
            16:28 - Added 9 new levels: Tunnel, Corrosion, Metalgrounds, Bloodpit, Boost, Hard to Reach, Gray Cliff, Redmire, Turbine.
                    Replaced the level Whelp with Swamp.
            14:47 - Custom Levels cache is now cleared when player removes a level.
                    Optimized ghost and leaderboard fetching.
14.08.2016, 19:25 - Fixed pulling back hook - slimed tile collision was not getting detected in a certain situation.
            16:29 - Reverted the last dash change.
                    Increased the slowest speed before breaking hook during pull to 2/3 from 0.8, increased tolerance when bumping around during pull.
            07:38 - Kayra does not move left or right when dash is pressed but left or right are not.
                        Straight-up dash-jumps are now possible.
13.08.2016, 18:23 - Player colors and Beam Style are online now, visible in Ghosts and Replays.
            13:01 - Started making the player colors and beam style online.
            12:08 - Frames which take very long (like loading) are handled automaticly and better now.
                    Renamed "Resolution" to "Window Resolution" and replaced resolution and display mode.
            10:35 - Fixed replay's change speed binds were working in Alt-Tab.
12.08.2016, 11:51 - Fixed pressing Reset and Pause at the same time was leaving the screen black.
            10:22 - Fixed pausing at right moment was making Kayra invisible.
            10:21 - Fixed the hook pull issue.
            09:49 - Attempted to fix the Mijzical's bug.
                    Tweaked title screen lightnings.
                    Tweaked hook land lightning.
            00:19 - < and > arrows in lists are now in a better position.
                    Menu cursor now has a transparent background.
                    Menu cursor is now drawn before texts.
                    Fixed "Watch" button and text position in Leaderboard.
11.08.2016, 21:45 - Slowed down the zoom of wallpapers.
            21:37 - Wallpapers are now zooming in and out.
                    Splash screen wallpaper is now bigger at start, then gets smaller.
            21:26 - Added lightning effect on title and background Kayra artwork.
            19:11 - Hook creates a small lightning strike effect when it lands.
            17:47 - Start button now shines.
                    Fixed a title visibility bug.
            17:21 - Splash Screen title now moves to Main Menu position without getting dark.
            17:08 - In splash screen, start button's alpha is changing now.
            14:59 - Fixed So many weird stuff happen when you play the custom level you just uploaded. Ghost, replay, time and leaderboard.
            02:52 - Fixed title voice was not playing after entering a level.
10.08.2016, 14:54 - Fixed ESC in Main Menu was logging out.
            14:13 - Splash screen texts are fading now.
            14:02 - Increased the voice line volume.
            13:46 - Made the splash screen less violent.
            13:15 - Remnants of Naezith text now drops with impact in Splash Screen. 
            12:46 - Added custom title sprite.
            12:03 - Reshaped the splash screen.
            11:41 - ESC in Main Menu now goes back to Splash Screen.
            11:15 - Added title voice and increased the impact at launch.
                    Increased the screen-shake and RGB split effects slightly, since they were almost invisible.
                    Added shake and RGB split to Leaderboard pop-up.
            09:36 - Editor: Fixed CTRL + Z and play-testing was resetting zoom.
            09:31 - Editor: Fixed Laser is put 1 px off if it's placed on a top left edge of a tile.
            00:19 - Fixed Laser does not go full range sometimes.
                    Fixed Laser was invisible sometimes.
09.08.2016, 21:27 - Editor: Laser does not copy properties max length.
            17:42 - Editor: ESC now closes windows.
            16:46 - Fixed end-level dying animation problems.
            14:30 - Fixed hook was rotating 360 when it lands.
                    Fixed idle swinging hook's rotation was changing when other hook was shot.
08.08.2016, 17:50 - Fixed Jump Pad shader was not working.
                    Optimized Jump Pad rendering.
            13:59 - Added the "Practice Lair" level to Main Menu.
            03:44 - Hunted down the mysterious crash, took 3 phukkin days.
07.08.2016, 21:55 - Smoothed the camera zoom, you can check it in Editor.
                    End Level chunk now drops after 750 ms and polished the zooming.
            15:36 - Camera zooms into player in Leaderboard when player finishes the level.
06.08.2016, 19:10 - Fixed ghost was not playing on restart if it is a Custom Level and ghost = player (#1)
                    Fixed helper ghost was visible for a moment at restart.
            15:35 - Fixed helper ghosts' visual bugs.
                    Helper ghosts' trigger rectangle is now invisible.
            12:55 - Made End Level orbs a little bit bigger.
            12:52 - Reverted the "Press a key" change.
            12:46 - Fixed invisible blades.
            00:50 - Fixed Alt-Enter, ESC or Alt-Tab spam were breaking replay recording.
05.08.2016, 23:58 - Decreased the orb count in end level object.
            23:12 - Fixed couple bugs about "Press a key" update.
            22:05 - Added "Press a key to start" to start of the level.
            13:52 - Editor: Added Max Length setting to Lasers.
            13:08 - Fixed it was possible to wall-jump when there is a laser between player and wall.
            12:30 - Editor: CTRL + Z now works after resizing.
                    Editor: CTRL + Z now works after entering and quitting Play-Test mode. (Big change I guess)
            02:39 - Optimized Orbs.
            01:17 - Added Parallax Background special for Chapter-2 (Sandy), Thanks a lot @sapdash for making it <3
            00:34 - End Level remnant is losing it's power, gets dark and drops to ground.
04.08.2016, 20:39 - Added compiler-level optimizations.
                    Pitch of many sounds are randomized between 0.9 - 1.1 now.
            01:40 - Added Looping sound effect for Moving blades.
                    Fixed small surf sound bugs.
            00:29 - Mixed new hook throwing sound with the old one.
            00:25 - Added sound effect to Flip animations.
            00:05 - End-Level orbs are now smaller.
03.08.2016, 23:53 - Changed End-Level Lose sound to something different.
            23:38 - Changed hook throwing sound to something more electric.
            23:10 - Added Looping sound effect for Surfing.
            22:30 - Added Looping sound effect for Lasers.
            21:42 - Added Looping sound effect for Accelerators.
            20:49 - Walter Bomb Turret now has a different sound effect.
            19:49 - Added Win/Tie/Lose sounds to end of the level, score difference also reveals one second delayed, with the sound.
            17:10 - Added End-Level Remnant sprite.
            08:17 - Fixed the ESC spam in Level Selection.
02.08.2016, 20:53 - End level object is now visible with many orbs flying around.
            12:37 - Levitating particles are now parallaxing.
30.07.2016, 20:21 - Helper ghosts now fade in/out when they are active or not.
            12:04 - Fixed Walter Bomb Turrets were not interacting with helper ghosts.
            04:20 - Fixed loading stucking bugs.
29.07.2016, 19:25 - Fixed throwing both hook was possible if pressed in keyboard and gamepad at the same time.
            18:57 - Fixed couple Helper Ghost crashes.
            00:29 - Fixed replays were stopping before level ends.
            00:19 - All decoration tiles are together now. This update broke Chapter-2 decorations.
28.07.2016, 20:18 - Added Chapter 3, lab tiles.
            19:25 - Fixed ghost was not stopping when replay ends.
            18:08 - Editor: Fixed "U" keybind was triggering while typing.
            17:15 - Helper Ghosts are now saved & loaded in levels.
            16:43 - Fixed Kayra was stopping the pull if he pulled in water, on ground.
            16:09 - Kayra now surfs on water while swinging if he is fast enough.
            15:38 - Fixed unplugging gamepad was crashing the game after a while.
            14:12 - Input and Replay Systems are rock solid now. (I hope)
                    Press and Release info are also saved in replay file now.
            13:25 - Minimum FPS cap is now 60.
            02:41 - Fixed replays recorded with gamepad stick were broken.
27.07.2016, 21:51 - Fixed portal and jumppad were crashing when more ghosts are spawned.
            16:35 - Fixed end-level sweep test was broken by a small mistake from one of latest updates.
            16:27 - Multiple key-taps in same frame are now buffered to be tapped later, no presses are missed now, literally.
            14:32 - Polished Input System, it now catches every single press, even the super short ones like < 8 ms.
            12:37 - Added FPS Cap(0-1000, def: 250) setting to Graphics Options.
                    Moved View Height setting to Graphics Options.
            11:43 - Added a 250 FPS Cap which rests the CPU and GPU for real.
            03:42 - Ghost replay trigger only once each time character enters the trigger area now.
            03:33 - Editor: Finishing the level also stops recording ghost replay and saves it.
            03:18 - Editor: Fixed "Retry" was not cancelling ghost recording.
            03:16 - Editor: Fixed play-test enter frame was visually glitchy.
            03:12 - Editor: Black screen fading now blocks play-test & dev-mode switches.
26.07.2016, 22:43 - Editor: Added "Record Ghost" but it is not complete yet, need tests.
25.07.2016, 17:31 - Editor: There should be a solid tile around to place a spike now.
                    Editor: Area Fill with spike fills ONLY the selected wall with spikes.
                    Editor: Can't place spike on a solid tile.
            16:21 - ESC Menu opens with alpha smoothing now.
            16:14 - Black screen and loading blocks some of the Menu UI key presses now.
            15:45 - Protected the "trying to open a deleted level" case in Custom Levels.
            14:56 - Limited Custom Level page scrolling.
            14:21 - Fixed opening a level was getting stuck at black screen. (not 100% sure)
                    Polished the loading symbol a lot.
            12:25 - Changed favicon.
                    Fixed pressing "Retry" before scoreboard loads bug.
24.07.2016, 16:33 - Scoreboard UI alpha is going from 0 to 255 in some time now, not instant.
                    Level Selection menu camera focuses on center of the tree more, makes it less shaky.
                    In Level Selection, current level node was becoming pure white without caring about chapter color.
                    Lowered free-roam crosshair alpha.
                    Changed the color of player name at bottom left to White.
            14:25 - Added blur to background in Menus.
            02:33 - Dash orbs now fly to character on dash and they get smaller slower.
            00:00 - Editor: Uploading a level also submits the replay and votes the level 5 points.
23.07.2016, 22:55 - Editor: Fixed Area-Fill crash.
            19:14 - Enabled dash bar by default.
            18:36 - End-level time is calculated better now.
            15:44 - Fixed game was interpolating graphics in Alt-Tab.
            13:27 - Set minimum view height as 720, it was 768 before.
            12:08 - Added badge to player line in Leaderboard.
            05:11 - Finally fixed the walking in horizontal accelerators speed issue.
            04:53 - Fixed jump pad was silent.
            04:47 - Accelerator changes color on player interaction.
            04:21 - Fixed ghost was not refreshing on level change.
            03:54 - End of the level is calculated a lot more precisely now, leaderboard time variety became 1 ms instead of 8 ms.
                    End level trigger collision is now "Sweep Test" which means you can't go through it and it detects the exact moment of collision, edge.
                    Player spawn code is now at very beginning of the frame.
                    Fixed Circular Accelerator was affecting rockets wrong.
                    Accelerators now update player a frame earlier.
                    Accelerator and Jump-pads have no effect if player is not controllable or dead.
            01:23 - Fixed loading circle was not stopping at Editor launch.
22.07.2016, 23:35 - Leaderboard now shows blue when player finished for first time, also depending on best, it becomes green if better and red if worse.
            21:33 - Fixed replay submit at end of the level was freezing the game.
                    Changed time difference notation. "xxyyy ms" is "xx.yyy sec" now.
            16:53 - Removed all unnecesarry server-communication from Custom Levels section. 
            15:20 - Game does not download the Custom Level again and again if it's just downloaded.
            01:50 - Fixed replay shortcuts were working in Alt-Tab.
            01:10 - Game does not fetch player rank or the ghost if player did not play the level.
                    Game never fetches the ghost alone if game already had that replay in Leaderboard page.
                    Game does not fetch player rank, a new ghost or Leaderboard pages again if player did not beat his own time. 
21.07.2016, 21:32 - Fixed ambient sound bugs.
            21:10 - Fixed leaderboard was empty sometimes.
            20:25 - Player's Global Rank is fetched once a hour now, not every time you open Global Rankings page.
            20:12 - Game does not allow to surf empty Leaderboard pages now. 
            20:03 - Game does not allow to surf empty Global Rankings pages now. 
            19:55 - Global Rankings pages are now cached, it refreshes hourly if the game is still on.
            17:54 - Custom Levels pages are now cached, downloading only if it's necesarry.
            16:09 - Leaderboard pages are now cached, downloading only if it's necesarry.
            12:50 - Fixed the Black Screen Fade at launch.
                    Fixed ambient sound was silent sometimes.
            01:41 - Fixed Logout freezes.
            01:37 - Fixed Login freezes.
            01:32 - Fixed Leaderboard from ESC freezes.
            01:26 - Fixed Entering a custom level freezes.
            01:09 - Fixed Opening leaderboard of a Custom Level freezes.
            00:38 - Fixed Opening leaderboard from Level Selection freezes.
            00:17 - Fixed Rating a Custom Level freezes.
            00:01 - Fixed Entering Global Rankings freezes.
20.07.2016, 23:17 - Fixed Entering Level Editor freezes.
            23:03 - All 3 Lists have an extra and unnecesarry loading circle.
            15:26 - Changed slime look to be 16x16.
            15:18 - Slime prevents the hook landing while pulling back.
            14:12 - Fixed ghost was visible and passive after watching a replay of a level player did not play yet.
            13:57 - Editor: Kayra now can be placed in 16px precision.
            13:51 - Editor: Fixed New Level was placing the character wrong sometimes.
            13:33 - Walter bomb now has no effect during dash.
            13:31 - Tweaked the walter bomb's radius and speed boost.
19.07.2016, 21:53 - Added Walter Bomb type to Turrets!
            17:15 - Fixed name and badge was showing in Splash Screen.
            14:58 - Added an alternative gradient background which will be shown when parallax background is disabled. 
            14:35 - Prettified JSON config file.
            12:03 - Local Levels are now listed in Custom Levels section if game is in Offline Mode.
                    Local Levels can be filtered with name and/or author.
            01:44 - Game never forgets the login information anymore, as long as you don't log-out.
                    Username and badge is now remembered in Offline Mode.
                    Offlinely completed levels are now showed as Red, means player has no record on that level.
18.07.2016, 22:07 - Completed levels will be remembered in Offline Mode. 
            21:02 - Decreased the slowest speed before breaking hook during pull to 0.55 from 0.8, increased tolerance when bumping around during pull.
            18:41 - Fixed particles were not cleaning in time.
                    Fixed ghost was also dying when Restart button is pressed.
            18:00 - Changed the favicon to a very cool one.
            16:54 - Level Selection screen now shows a level instead of Kayra Artwork, this will change depending on the theme in future.
                    Removed unnecesarry loading symbols from global rankings, leaderboard and custom levels pages.
            15:04 - Fixed camera was snapping to edge while changing view size in options.
                    Optimized parallax background layer rendering a little bit more.
                    Fixed loading symbol was changing size depending on view height.
            12:20 - Changed favicon
17.07.2016, 22:00 - Fixed a tiny lightning FX visual bug.
                    Fixed 32 bit compiled version of the game was calculating stuff differently, resulting in desynced replays. 
                    Fixed lines'(like laser's) thickness was not changing normally. 
                    Added more shortcut helper texts to replays and menus.
                    Optimized parallax background layer rendering just a little bit.
14.07.2016, 02:09 - Game does not freeze when you start an official level now.
13.07.2016, 17:43 - Screenshot is saved in thread now.
            13:19 - Fixed lines were not changing colors sometimes.
            03:09 - Optimized Line rendering.
                    Optimized Lightning effect rendering.
                    Optimized Branch Lightning effect rendering.
                    Removed Low Quality option for Lightning Strike effect.
                    Lightning Strike effect does not affect FPS anymore. (It was a huge drop before)
12.07.2016, 18:22 - Optimized dash particles.
            18:06 - Optimized glowing eye particles.
                    Fixed wall-jump was not creating dust particles sometimes.
                    Fixed lightning strike effect's position was top left of the screen every time.
            16:44 - Optimized Rock particles even more.
                    Hook is now ripping the earth with particles while coming back.
            15:42 - Optimized Dust particles even more.
            14:54 - Optimized Laser particles.
            14:10 - Optimized Dust and Rock particles.
            13:57 - Optimized Hook Beam particles.
            13:44 - Optimized Levitating Particles and enabled them again.
            11:30 - Optimized Tile rendering a lot.
                    Disabled Levitating particles for now because it is not optimized thus a real FPS killer.
            10:33 - Optimized the shaders and waters excessively.
10.07.2016, 19:32 - Fixed game was trying to open naezith-Potential instead of decldev-Potential.
09.07.2016, 19:32 - Character always uses back hook's color dash every time he spawns now.
            19:26 - Character starts with back hook every time he spawns now.
            19:02 - Fixed Dash button uses ghost instead of restarting replay.
                    Fixed hook speed was 0 if character was not moving when pulling back.
            17:33 - Fixed hook wasn't able to catch the player if player is too fast.
                    Editor Optimization: Lightning strike effect is not casted if player is not in view.
            16:39 - Fixed Zoom was affecting FPS indicator's size.
            16:33 - Fixed Dash particles were in front of the character if he was fast. They are now spawned in interpolated position of the character.
            16:21 - Editor: Fixed Editor was lagging at first launch if the level is too big.
                    Editor: Camera and player position were wrong when you resize or create a new level.
                    Spawn Lightning effect is now limited with level borders and view.
            15:14 - Friction was not working at start of the level when character is in jump pad or accelerator, thanks @Mijzical !
            14:30 - Fixed local nickname vs online nickname comparison was case sensitive.
            13:48 - Fixed getRank function was not working properly.
            13:29 - Got rid of the unnecesarry ghost replay downloads.
                    Cleaned up the ghost code, might fix some bugs about it.
            01:14 - Tweaked the positional sounds, it's 3D now instead of 2D.
08.07.2016, 20:52 - Fixed Patcher was naming the downloaded files' name wrong. "%20" instead of " "(space character).
            17:44 - Fixed water's visual bugs.
07.07.2016, 18:56 - Looping continious sounds are starting/ending a lot smoother now, not instant: Hook beam humming, hook beam spinning and air rush. 
            17:58 - These sounds are now positional: Turret shoot, Rocket Explosion, Hook Landing, Hook hits to Non-grappling tile.
            17:04 - Added Master Volume.
                    Changed defaults, SFX to 100, Music to 100 and Master to 80.
                    Fixed ambient sound was not playing at all.
                    Balanced effect/music/ambient volumes.
                    Optimized the sound code.
            02:53 - All official levels are added to game folder.
                    Fixed patcher was failing to download levels which include space character in the name.
            01:41 - Optimization: Ghost replay is not downloaded if player did not get a better time than his last one in current session.
            01:27 - Optimization: Ghost replay is not downloaded if he is in leaderboard already.
            00:51 - Optimization: Pre-downloading replays on leaderboards. They play instantly now.
            00:28 - Optimization: Official levels are not getting downloaded every time.
06.07.2016, 23:31 - Added extra protection to Submit Replay task.
            22:25 - Server is now behind CloudFlare.
                    Server is now protected from DDoS attacks.
                    Server now knows the online count.
            16:21 - Added Page number and loading circle symbol to Leaderboards, Custom Levels and Global Rankings pages.
            15:01 - Editor: Added Clear Tile Layer shortcut. (CTRL + G + Right Click)
            12:46 - Editor: Moving Blade is now transparent, because it was hard to see behind while moving it.
            12:14 - Added Show FPS setting to Graphics options.
            12:09 - Added "Render Mini-map" option to Gameplay options.
                    It is now possible to see energy indicator without having dash bar on.
            12:01 - Split Options Menu to five categories: Gameplay, Customization, Sound, Graphics and Controls.
03.07.2016, 19:29 - Global Rankings leaderboard also uses "tied" ranks now.
            16:50 - Custom Levels are also now use "tied" ranks.
            15:43 - Fixed it was comparing previous rank with the new one wrong.
            15:10 - Leaderboard ranks are now calculated differently, multiple people can have the same rank if their times are equal.
                    Global ratings are also getting calculated with new "tie" system.
02.07.2016, 16:00 - Decreased the hold delay time from 96 to 64 ms.
            15:45 - Polished the free-roam cursor and added interpolation to Level Selection screen.
            14:52 - Added Free-roaming to Level Selection menu.
            13:45 - Left, Right, Up and Down buttons are now holdable in all Menus.
            12:20 - Up, down, left, right menu buttons are now working independant from the gameplay.
01.07.2016, 20:32 - Up and Down menu buttons are also bindable now.
            20:00 - Merged gamepad and keyboard control pages.
            16:42 - Dash button during replay restarts the replay now.
            16:07 - Game now remembers Draw FPS (F8) preference.
            16:00 - Added the 10th soundtrack.
30.06.2016, 23:57 - Fixed gamepad was accepting every input, broken gamepads which send very low false numbers failed to bind.
            14:07 - Fixed ms.y was -7 when character died.
            12:32 - Fixed Ghost was visible even if player plays the level for first time.
            12:19 - Fixed Jumppad was working differently for Player and Ghost.
            12:10 - Fixed jump was causing the hook go higher in the input buffering's first frame.
            04:44 - Added FPS cap of 300 to avoid unnecesarry rendering, power consumption.
                    "F8" key now shows the current Frames per second and Ticks per second at top left corner of the screen.
            02:18 - Added input buffering, the buttons which are down at the first frame are getting tapped in the very first frame of player control, spawn.
29.06.2016, 21:36 - Triggers are now bindable, but they both can't be bound at the same time because of Xbox controller's axis limitation.
            18:15 - Replaced tabs with 4 spaces in changelog.txt, it is now readable with many text editors.
            18:00 - Increased the minimap view size.
                    Fixed bottom of the water was not visible.
            16:56 - Increased maximum view height to 2160.
                    Fixed HUD was scaling with view height.
                    Fixed texts were getting blurry when when changing view height.
            14:36 - Optimized water rendering, water rectangle gets cropped manually.
                    Polished the minimap's look.
                    Minimap now shows waters too.
                    Optimized minimap's performance 10X to 30X depending on the level.
            05:07 - Added Minimap, Toggle Button: M.
            03:00 - Polished the Replay looks. 
                    Replay speed is visible at right side now.
                    Replay speed can vary between 0.1X to 32X now.
            02:27 - Left - Right buttons change the speed of replay and locks it, while watching Replay.
                    It can be locked between 0.25 to 2.0 with 0.25 precision.
            02:13 - Added time bar to Replays.
            01:59 - Fixed Space button was not working in Search Settings of Custom Levels screen.
            01:21 - Using Microseconds instead of Seconds for delta time stuff, this might smooth the game out.
            00:26 - Fixed sound crash when fast-forwarding replays.
28.06.2016, 17:14 - Fixed Death of the player was getting executed instantly but Ghost's not. Death is a queue now for both.
                        This update will probably break the replays/ghosts with deaths.
            02:33 - Fixed timer was stopping 1 frame earlier when level is finished.
                    Fixed Ghost was able to wall-jump from spikes.
                    Replay System, including Ghost and Replays are probably perfect now.
            01:57 - Fixed Ghost's hooks were checking collision against Player's body, not Ghost's.
27.06.2016, 22:24 - Fixed Ghost was not pressing the buttons of frame-0 right away.(beginning)
            20:44 - Fixed Ghost's dash was too visible.
            19:55 - Fixed Rival's hook becomes black when switched to ghost once.
            17:41 - Fixed Ghost - Jumppad interaction was broken.
                    Added the Legacy black Ghost back.
            15:11 - Renamed Ghost as Rival.
                    Added Rival Visibility to Options, 0-10.
                    Fixed already playing sounds were not voluming down when volume is changed in Options.
            14:05 - Ghost looks equal to Player and it's possible to see the Dash. Ghost will have other player's colors in future.
            10:02 - Lasers also ignore the walls before they go out of the wall they placed in.
            08:28 - Straight Turrets now can shoot when they are placed inside walls.
                    Homing Turrets now can detect and shoot when they are placed inside walls. @decldev
            07:44 - Chosen level's title flashes in Level Selection screen and text size is 100% bigger now. @deltis
26.06.2016, 23:57 - Input Images are changing to the last interacted input device. i.e Pressing a keyboard button activates keyboard look.
                    Input Indicator's tap glows are now drawn in front.
            20:44 - Added an amazing input indicator.
                    Dash bar's color is now depending on player's colors.
            18:12 - Added Alt-Enter which toggles windowed mode.
            16:35 - Fixed the last update again, for wall-jumps.
            16:25 - Fixed portals throw you to wrong direction if you jump at the frame you teleport.
            16:18 - Fixed character was able to double-jump at spawn at first play.
            15:54 - Hook-Band's color is now yellow if it's acceleration is 0, if not it's between Magenta and Pink.
            15:02 - Fixed water was too wavy, it was going higher than the ground.
            14:04 - Fixed hook was checking character collision before level collision.
            12:34 - Fixed Options cursor was jumping over Dash Bar setting.
            12:23 - Polished the spike tile collision. It's forgiving but not buggy. Details:
            09:48 - Fixed only one replay was getting submitted.
25.06.2016, 22:44 - Character's hazard-collision-box is legless only if character is in air.
            22:37 - When a new update is released, game client now notifies the player as "Connection Lost" and blocks all the network activity.
            21:57 - When a new update is released, players can't submit replays before they restart the game.
            21:55 - Fixed Hook-Band's acceleration setting was not working.
            21:40 - Editor: Fixed Kayra was looking at wrong direction sometimes when Playtest mode is closed.
            21:26 - Editor: Jump-pad's default X setting is Add now.
            19:31 - Fixed jump-pad animation was working to the wrong direction. It's now depending on the wall/ground/ceiling it is put on.
                    Jump-pad gives the speed everytime it's animation is refreshed OR each time you go out and in again.
            18:31 - Dash orbs are now smaller because they were too distracting for some people.
            16:29 - Fixed Jump-pad was keeping boosting your speed as long as you are in it.
            15:19 - (Not sure) Fixed the floating decoration tiles in some levels. They need to get cleaned once though.
            14:45 - Kayra now has a new "legless" collision-box; Spikes, Turrets, Lasers, Blades are checking the collision with it.
            14:22 - Turret balls' collision circle is 25% smaller than it's sprite now.
            14:12 - The "turret shoot" and "rocket explode" sounds don't stack and get annoyingly bigger anymore.
24.06.2016, 23:50 - Editor: Resize now crops the outside portion of the area objects when level.
                    Editor: Fixed Resizing was removing objects randomly.
                    Editor: Resize window now automaticly fills the current data to textboxes and shows the current size clearly.
                    Editor: Polished resize window, it now shows the limits and visually represents the change with rectangles.
                    Editor: Now shows the Zoom %.
                    Editor: Polished the overall editor GUI look.
                    Editor: Fixed sometimes textboxes' cursor was being on wrong letter. (Not talking about the visual position)
            17:12 - Fixed Toggling lasers wasn't working at some places, becomes invisible depending on camera position.
            16:38 - Fixed Custom Levels menu was not refreshing when it should.
            15:00 - Fixed watching a replay was showing the blue light on scoreboard like you improved your time.
            12:56 - Added 10 new levels: Bolt, Splinter, Pandora, Hadrian Split, Hadrian Wall, Escape, Vertical, Climb, Decay, Cube.
            02:15 - Increased the intensity of Ghost's glow to make him more visible.
            00:19 - Editor: Fixed checkpoints were invisible in Editor, if they are disabled.
23.06.2016, 16:34 - Fixed Delay - Phase Offset change broke some levels and replays.
            14:51 - Editor: First click from Alt-Tab is now ignored, it was cancelling the Level Upload window.
                    Editor: Added unit names next to the properties, like ms, px, px/s, px/s^2, tiles, deg, deg/s, g. 
                    Editor: Replaced "Delay" with "Phase Offset".
                    Fixed Phase Offset given more than Cycle Time was setting Phase Offset to Cycle Time, now it takes mod(%).
            12:50 - Fixed some leaderboards were showing the player's position wrong because there were records of removed accounts.
            12:44 - Fixed "Perfection" was missing in player line of Global Rankings.
            11:19 - Changed the Global Ranking points formula. Thanks @Teraka 
                    Added "Perfection" to Global Rankings which is Points / Level Count. Being #1 in every level makes you 100%.
22.06.2016, 23:08 - Pressing "Reset" button while watching replay now let's you play the level directly.
            22:40 - Pressing "Back" button while watching replay now returns to Leaderboard.
                    Pressing "Reset" button while watching replay now returns to Leaderboard, cursor on Retry. (Reset + Reset - Retry)
                    Editor: Shift key now boosts the zoom 4x instead of 2x.
            21:28 - Editor: Increased the zoom speed.
            20:29 - Leaderboard is now shiny when you get a better time. 
                    Leaderboard now shows the difference between your previous rank/time.
                    Fixed Leaderboard was showing the timer when player enters to Leaderboard without playing it.
            16:25 - Player count in Leaderboard is filled earlier, before getting the rows, if it's already known like in Custom Levels.
            16:14 - Leaderboard now also shows the total player count who finished the level.
                    Fixed options cursor was jumping over second color change option.
            15:20 - Fixed white glow behind the ghost was visible when it should not.
            14:50 - Added option to disable checkpoints. (Hard Mode)
            13:00 - White glow behind ghost to make it more visible in dark levels.
21.06.2016, 20:11 - Speedometer shows X and Y axises separately now.
            18:06 - Code changes on server does not require server to reboot anymore.
                    Sessions don't get lost when server-app restarts, means players don't need to restart the game when a code on server changes.
20.06.2016, 18:54 - Editor: Decoration palette is scaling with zoom.
            18:26 - Editor: Fixed Kayra was headbanging when Left/Right is hold.
            18:10 - Editor: Fixed the cursor was also scaling up/down while zooming in/out.
            17:33 - Fixed game was not submitting the new score in Custom Levels.
            03:21 - Added a new soundtrack, Penumbra.
                    Renamed Hide Played to Hide Finished in Custom Levels.
18.06.2016, 20:41 - Fixed async fetchLeaderboard broke the replays, that task has to be syncronous.
                    Custom Levels are also getting data before it's opened.
            19:54 - Global Rankings page's data is taken before the page is opened, it removes a delay of 0.2-0.5 seconds.
            19:27 - Global Rankings are also asyncronous.
                    Ambient sounds are muted in Menus.
                    Changed wallpapers.
            08:27 - Leaderboards are also asyncronous now, experience might be bad but will be polished in future.
            07:57 - Custom Levels list is not freezing anymore while its waiting respond from the server.
17.06.2016, 20:25 - Improved the cheat protection.
            07:15 - Protected the leaderboard against the Timer manipulation cheats done during pause.
            06:05 - Game does not send the time-score and replay to the server if player does not get a better time.
                    Protected the leaderboards against Speedhack.
                    Protected the leaderboards against active Timer manipulation with Memory Modification(Cheat Engine) cheats.
16.06.2016, 05:54 - Replaced Palace with Sideswipe.
10.06.2016, 20:40 - Changed the rocket explosion animation.
09.06.2016, 18:43 - Made the white whiter and added Light Cyan too.
            18:23 - Added Cyan.
06.06.2016, 19:45 - Added missing sound effects to Options.
                    Changed Camera Zoom to View Height and it's value range from [0, 100] to [768, 1080] in Options.
                    Added visual color palette to Options. 
                    Added visual bars for sliders like Music, SFX volumes and View Height.
            18:49 - Fixed the dash color overlay on the character.
            18:36 - Added customizable hook colors in Settings.
            15:14 - Fixed Red color was not working for glowing lines.
            13:07 - Re-arranged Level Selection: Moved Potential and used "alternative path" after Bravestar.
            12:40 - Upgraded the server.
                    Fixed the patcher errors.
04.06.2016, 20:54 - Added a new soundtrack, Under the Skies.
02.06.2016, 17:03 - Made the slime width smaller.
            14:06 - Editor: Fixed resizing a level with Slime was crashing.
            13:22 - Editor: Lowered the opacity of the grid.
                    Fixed slime was not getting cleared when level is changed.
31.05.2016, 22:33 - Editor: Added Tile Grid, Toggle hotkey is "K".
                    Added Slime overlay which can be applied on any tile type, makes the surface non-walljumpable.
30.05.2016, 19:44 - Dust particle color is now different for each theme.
            19:21 - Water color is now different for each theme, however current colors are temporary.
29.05.2016, 21:20 - Rolling animation plays only when dashing while the hook is landed.
            20:03 - Centered the wallpapers in all resolutions, no matter the aspect ratio is.
25.05.2016, 20:13 - Fixed logout was not forgetting the Level Selection cursor.
                    Fixed colors of locked level links were wrong & broken.
                    Editor: Fixed tiles in the decoration palette were changing colors.
19.05.2016, 22:41 - Changed hook colors temporarily.
            21:04 - Added Sandy tileset ingame. Chapter is now changable.
            20:32 - Pimped the look of Jump-Pad with glow.
            18:06 - Editor: Changed Textbox background color, was so dark.
            17:55 - Tweaked the green of Jump-Pad color.
            17:27 - Editor: Fixed Click order was wrong between GUI and Decoration grid.
            17:07 - Fixed Playground's decoration layer was not visible.
                    Editor: Added clickable Decoration Tile grid.
            15:33 - Editor: Disabled the Windows cursor totally, Hook sprite is the new cursor.
                    Level Selection nodes are now changing color as cursor moves.
                    Level Selection node space is now bigger (75 to 125).
                    Level Selection node links are now 2x thicker.
                    Level Selection node texts are bigger, they were too small to read.
                    Added more colors into palette.
                    Artworks are background images in Menus now.
                    Changed the font to be always upper-case.
                    Case-sensitive font is still ingame in places like Editor textboxes.
                    Editor: Replaced Hook colors with palette colors.
                    Splash screen wallpaper is always Kayra now.
                    Changed some of the menu text colors.
                    Fixed couple tiny menu bugs.
                    Disabled fake-shadows for now because they are glitchy.
14.05.2016, 17:37 - Added waves which indicate the power and angle of the Jump-pad.
            15:03 - Fixed Jump-pad speed indicator was not showing up.
12.05.2016, 14:27 - Added the new Naezith Ascending wallpaper.
06.05.2016, 22:29 - Reverted the last change.
            08:52 - Player doesn't need to unlock the level to browse the leaderboard now, so they can check how awesome Chamber is.
            00:21 - Editor: Fixed you had to clear the text-box to put '-' in front of the number.
                    Added Vertical Jump-pads.
04.05.2016, 13:10 - Added speed vector indicator to jump-pads.
                    Added (Add/Set) option for both X and Y to Jump-pads.
                    Portals looking straight up and Jump-pads with SpeedX = 0 don't block deceleration anymore.
            03:25 - Changed game server.
            00:58 - Added "Hide Played" search setting to Custom Levels.
03.05.2016, 22:25 - Added a new Custom Level sort algorithm.
            18:01 - Fixed Hook + Jump was not pulling if Jump is pressed while the hook is coming back and then hook lands.
            17:47 - Added the Naezith wallpaper.
            16:45 - Hook is now getting released when character bumps into something while pulling.
                    Fixed block-decel was causing moonwalking when it's on while character is not airborne.
                    Accelerators no longer resets double jump.
                    Editor: Added "Level file should be at the maps folder" to Load Menu.
02.05.2016, 23:05 - Block deceleration on teleport and jump pads.
28.04.2016, 13:33 - Added "Deep Sands" OST.
27.04.2016, 23:32 - Changed the look of Level Selection.
                    Changed the chapter of some levels.
            18:52 - Editor: Added FAILED pop-up when loading a level fails.
            00:41 - Speed up the menu cursor movement.
26.04.2016, 22:09 - Fixed decoration tiles were in front of water (
            21:32 - Added one-sided Portals.
            20:59 - Fixed Level Selection list size was 203 instead of 32.
            18:53 - Excluded Descendants from the pool calculation,
                    Optimized Global Rankings queries.
            18:24 - Added the Global Rankings, with Rank Info.
            14:23 - Added Completion % to Level Selection.
25.04.2016, 19:11 - Editor: Added Theme option. (Disabled until new chapter assets are here)
            16:37 - Camera now focuses more on the cursor in Level Selection.
            16:10 - Holding left, right, up, down iterates faster over the Level Selection. No need to spam anymore.
            15:31 - Level Selection now remembers the cursor position.
            13:12 - Added Chapter coloring to Level Selection.
            00:59 - Moved the level "Void" back to Custom Levels.
21.04.2016, 23:49 - Took out Metalgrounds and Hell.
                    Sorted the levels, specially the Chapter-1.
            17:20 - Fixed ghost had two hooks in mid-air.
            16:41 - Added Yard, Dismemberment.
            14:54 - Updated Potential.
                    Added Whelp, Puddle, Twin Peaks, Cliffside, Waterbloom, Sideswipe.
            13:40 - Fixed border shadow height on sides were wrong if it's a vertical map (eg. 20x150)
            13:24 - Editor: "Hide Layers" gets broken if there's water on the screen.
                    Editor: Fixed "Hide/Show Layer" button name was reversed.
20.04.2016, 23:36 - Fixed water & foreground tiles problem.
                    Added dash-bar as an option to Settings.
19.04.2016, 01:06 - Fixed there were spawning too many levitating particles in small levels.
                    Added a new OST, "Hollowed Earth"
16.04.2016, 15:58 - Tweaked the "pulling back to idle swing" even more, to make it smoother.
                    Arms are now smoother, not snapping when hook is thrown, it's like an animation now.
                    Changed "accumulator > delta" to "accumulator >= delta" for update case in the game loop.
            01:45 - Fixed changing resolution was breaking the background blur effect (reverse in Y axis).
            00:58 - Hook state change from pulling back to idle swing was teleporting the hook, now it's a lot smoother.
                    Fixed head of hook's trail was too sharp, now hiding it with a glow, glows for life.
14.04.2016, 19:48 - Removed the main menu background movement, instantly fixed million problems of that.
                    Fixed camera was instantly snapping to the player when ESC is pressed, or level is ended.
                    Editor: Fixed camera was stuttering when moving or scaling.
                    Editor: Fixed couple other visual problems which occur when zooming.
                    Fixed sometimes blur was reverting the background in Y axis.
            17:09 - Probably fixed the water's checkboard visual glitch.
            15:17 - Fixed GUI scaling problems when camera is zoomed, in Menus and the Level Editor.
                    Fixed username and rank text was going out of the screen.
10.04.2016, 22:39 - Fixed splash screen was not scaling.
            21:18 - Did very dangerous changes in shaders to optimize, need feedback on this.
            02:18 - Deeply optimized tilemaps, (190 to +550 FPS in Wetland at my PC, this does not apply 100% to Editor)
                    Editor: Optimized minimap rendering.
                    Editor: Optimization: Tiles are now getting drawn with the water shader only if there is a water in screen.
            00:56 - Added smooth fade in/out to splash screen.
            00:31 - Smoothed the loading/screen transitions a lot, they are seamless now.
09.04.2016, 23:47 - Escape and Enter keys for keyboard, Start button for gamepad are now unbindable.
                    Fixed gamepad was not detected at the launch of the game.
                    Volumed down the dash-ready sound effect by %50.
08.04.2016, 21:44 - Editor: Changed default Jump-Pad values.
                    Editor: Snap-size automaticly becomes 1 or 16 when Jump-Pad is selected.
                    Editor: Jump-Pad height is fixed 16 now.
                    Editor: Rotate hotkey on Jump-Pad changes the direction of the Y axis.
                    Editor: Jump-pads can now be placed on the ceiling.
                    Fixed Jump-pads can now be placed on the ceiling.
                    Fixed Jump-pads were making too much sound when character is stucked in it.
            00:44 - Editor: Fixed camera was not starting on the player when editor is opened or a new level is loaded.
07.04.2016, 22:49 - Fixed portal was teleporting with 16px X offset.
                    Fixed character was teleporting back at the moment he teleports.
                    Fixed hook trails were popping during teleport.
                    Lowered the boost portal gives.
            22:24 - Added improved portal with easy Editor interface.
            14:08 - Background blur and Bloom are disabled by default now.
                    Removed portal for now.
            04:40 - Added Portal object, still testing...
            02:07 - Fixed ambient sound effect was playing before game loads and starts.
            01:53 - End Level object is now has a visible sprite in middle of it.
            01:23 - Fixed music was playing before game loads and starts.
            01:13 - Fixed all songs in the music folder were playing no matter what they were.
                    Fixed soundtrack file names were being too messy.
            00:13 - Editor: Added Toggle AI update shortcut(J)
06.04.2016, 23:36 - Limited the camera position in level editor, it still shows outside of the level.
            23:08 - Level borders are now showing in big levels too.
            22:53 - Optimized the shadow outside of the level.
05.04.2016, 22:30 - Volumed up the Dash-Ready sound effect.
            22:17 - Smoothed hook, rocket and turret textures.
            22:00 - Fixed smooth camera was not smooth near borders.
                - Fixed splash screen image was losing quality when getting scaled.
            19:22 - Changed water masking implementation to Depth Buffer instead of creating static sf::Textures.
                    Water masking now also works with raising water.
                    Editor: Water masking also works in editor now.
                    Loading time got a lot shorter because water masking does not create sf::Textures.
                    Water masking is now pixel perfect, not leaving any pixel transparent.
                    Fixed creating of sf::Textures with sf::RenderTexture::create() were causing flicker during the loading.
                    Fixed tiles in middle of the water were cropping the water wave in a very ugly way. 
            16:30 - Removed the small "Checking game version" and "Loading" windows. 
                            This change probably fixed the fullscreen crash of some Intel HD graphics laptops.
                    Settings are now getting saved into the config when they are applied in Options, in case of incoming crash.
            04:33 - Editor: Removed camera's position and zoom limits in dev-mode. 
                    Editor: Fixed zoom in/out was not working.
                    Editor: Fixed camera was shaking when view area was bigger than the level.
            03:18 - Water-masks are getting saved in Textures now. More efficient, less buggy but creating them is slow.
                            This change also might fix some of the water crashes.
04.04.2016, 23:58 - Fullscreen resolution is always desktop one, testing if it fixes some of the problems.
            02:36 - Limited the new water look to only non-rising waters because it's too expensive to update every frame.
03.04.2016, 23:01 - Fixed spikes were in front of water.
                    Fixed water was not perfectly fitting next to tiles.
            21:24 - Editor: Fixed adding or erasing tiles was not updating the water mask.
                    Fixed front layer was behind the water.
            21:11 - Fixed decoration tiles were in front of water.
            21:00 - Water gets drawn in front of everything now, but not on tilemaps.
02.04.2016, 13:58 - Editor: Changed: Opening a window does not automaticly choose a textbox.
                    Editor: Changed: Hotkeys are pressable if a window is open but not writing.
                    Editor: Fixed: Rotate hotkey was working while writing into a textbox.
29.03.2016, 23:23 - Editor: Added Rotate Object shortcut(R)
            18:39 - Lowered the levitating particle count.
                    Fixed the Main Menu background problems.
                    Editor: Ambient sound is muted in dev-mode.
                    Fixed default level editor level was too small.
                    Fixed Dash Sparks were being in weird positions when character teleports.
            13:23 - Editor: Now is using a non-smoothing camera.
            04:04 - Fixed a small bug about the darkness.
            03:31 - Added multiple monitor support.
                    Level is always centered in middle screen if level size is too small for the resolution.
                    Removed the minimal level size, which was 90 tiles before.
                    Outside of the level borders are now full black.
                    Polished the hook's dust particles when it hits to wall.
                    Editor: Character now spawns at middle of the level when user creates a new level.
28.03.2016, 18:03 - Polished the main-menu background.
            18:03 - Optimized the laser particles.
            14:38 - Added laser particles.
21.03.2016, 23:49 - Added dash-ready sound effect.
18.03.2016, 23:49 - Sparks now become white when a new dash is ready.
17.03.2016, 23:36 - Editor: Added resize with offset option!
16.03.2016, 00:58 - Improved the spark logic and visuality.
                    Sparks are getting used by order now.
                    Sparks are growing when they are dead, to show when it will be ready.
15.03.2016, 01:05 - Dash trail is now thicker.
                    Dash bar is removed. (Will be an option later on)
                    Dash energy is now represented with 2 cute little sparks.
                    Changed the timer's size, position and color alpha.
14.03.2016, 20:38 - Tweaked the shit out of camera, all day long.
            01:41 - Drawing shadows behind the character now.
13.03.2016, 23:46 - Fixed last line of the lightning effect was missing, specially on the hook beam.
            22:19 - Foreground layer is now a playground decoration tile, behind the character and the hook.
                    Lowered the screen-shake on lightning strike effect(spawn and death).
                    Fixed names in Level Selection was blending with the glowing lines.
                    Changed the Level Selection path's look.
                    Rendering water particles before water now.
                    Removed couple unnecesarry(not very sure) Render Texture display calls.
            20:12 - Water particles now stick to earth.
                    Editor: Coordinate is now in tile units.
            16:27 - Blade water collision now creates water particles.
            15:23 - Added "delay" to linearly raising waters.
            13:38 - Changed the font back to Ubuntu-C.
                    Editor: Added "Delay" input to waters.
            02:19 - Editor: Color base is now 256 instead of 127, default level color is 255.
                    Fixed water interpolation was broken, it was snapping around.
            02:02 - Editor: All size/radius/distance inputs are now in tile units.
            01:55 - Added interpolation to raising water to make it look smoother.
            01:33 - Added raising waters.
                    Fixed splash screen wallpaper was in wrong position sometimes.
                    Editor: Fixed it was not resetting time-based objects when switching from play-test to dev-mode.
12.03.2016, 17:44 - Fixed official level order.
            13:20 - Fixed levitating particles were stacking at level borders.
            13:10 - Edited codebase to easily change parallax backgrounds in future.
            12:58 - Editor: F9 key now reloads the parallax_cave.png and tileset_cave.png 
10.03.2016, 02:52 - Changed the camera code, still testing though. (Thanks to Dian Ding)
09.03.2016, 17:23 - Finally changed the font to Bebas Neue.
08.03.2016, 22:42 - Unlocked levels are now resizing in Level Selection.
                    Added sparkles around the character.
                    Decreased alpha of dash particles by %50.
            20:54 - Landing hook pops out more dust now.
                    Increased dash particle amount.
                    Dash particle is now circle shaped.
            19:38 - Removed dust effect from jump pad.
            03:56 - Added jump pad sound effect.
                    Added jump pad color and size change effect.
07.03.2016, 20:39 - Added water particles.
                    Fixed water sound effects were not working.
                    Fixed random pitch of sounds were not working, it was always same pitch.
            09:38 - Editor: Fixed the default colorize RGB to be 127.
06.03.2016, 18:27 - Fixed custom levels were openable in Offline Mode.
            15:55 - Local rank now refreshes when player opens a level (and of course if server refreshes the ranks).
            00:54 - Editor: Unnecesarry decimals are now trimmed.
                    Disabled voting for official levels.
                    Author is now hid in official levels.
                    Fixed colors of blue ranks were green.
05.03.2016, 13:16 - Transfered more levels to officials and reuploaded some of the officials.
04.03.2016, 02:49 - Transfered many levels to officials.
03.03.2016, 23:56 - Hook helper is disabled by default now.
            23:25 - Added the rank "Descendant of Naezith", limited by one player.
                    Added glow to rank symbols, higher rank in same color glows stronger.
            22:31 - Level Tree is now always centered in middle of the screen.
            21:32 - Added Metalgrounds to officials.
                    Renamed elevator to Elevator.
            20:57 - Started re-coding Level Selection part.
                    Renamed thepull to The Pull.
            16:46 - Fixed hook helper option in settings was toggling the next setting too.
            16:39 - Editor: Fixed the crash caused by cursor position calculated at click on Textboxes. 
            14:02 - Lowered default music volume by half.
                    Hook helper position is now interpolated.
                    Editor: TextBox crashes should be fixed now, not very sure.
                    Editor: Added pop up texts for feedback.
02.03.2016, 23:52 - Editor: Fixed text positioning on buttons and tabs.
                    Editor: Resized the button boxes which were too small for their label.
                    Editor: Textbox backgrounds are now dynamic sized, they stretch if needed.
            22:06 - Editor: Added clicking on text moves the cursor.
                    Editor: Delete key now works in textboxes.
            20:56 - Editor: Added space character into character list.
                    Editor: Cursor is now more precise.
01.03.2016, 21:53 - Added hook path indicator for newbs.
                    Lightning effect is now in front of foreground layer.
                    Added Remnants of Naezith wallpaper to splash screen.
            00:33 - Added rank icons to leaderboard and the ghost.
29.02.2016, 23:18 - Added rank images.
            20:16 - Added rank names.
            17:58 - Fixed ghost was not visible sometimes.
                    Fixed spike auto-tiling for corners.
            04:38 - Added badge system as number (1-10). It's not working properly at the moment.
            00:34 - Added inner corner spike tiles.
28.02.2016, 12:10 - Added 3 more decoration tiles.
27.02.2016, 19:31 - Lowered the water alpha and slowed down the waves.
            18:26 - Changed the water color.
                    Added global scoring system, it is not visible ingame at the moment.
            12:30 - Front blades are now drawn in front of foreground.
            00:09 - Editor: Fixed removing decoration was removing the tile.
25.02.2016, 21:31 - Fixed it was printing "Most Recent" instead of "Most Voted".
            21:02 - Improved spike auto-tiling.
            19:25 - Vote system is complete.
                    Custom Levels can be sorted by Rating.
            17:01 - Added vote level function. It's not complete yet.
            15:57 - Fixed character wasn't able to waterjump.
            15:30 - Fixed water was teleporting the dashing character up instantly unnaturally.
24.02.2016, 23:23 - Fixed water was teleporting the dashing character in a weird situation.
            19:10 - Fixed water was slowing the character even the water level is too low.
                    Fixed the slow down of movement was not visible in speed meter.
                    Fixed player was not dying if his feet was on ground and he steps into a water pool from right or left side.
            01:15 - Walking in water slows down the movement 50%.
            00:20 - It is now possible to surf on water then keep your speed on earth.
23.02.2016, 23:00 - Entering accelerator now grants double-jump.
                    Wall-sliding now grants double-jump.
                    Wall-jumping doesn't block double-jump anymore.     
            21:00 - Tweaked water physics.
                    Editor: Camera position doesn't change after opening dev-mode.
22.02.2016, 20:41 - Editor: Textbox cursor is now movable.
            13:08 - Editor: Added level coloring option in Level Editor.
21.02.2016, 13:08 - Editor: Added foreground tile layer.
20.02.2016, 23:32 - Added new spikes, finally.
            15:10 - Cleaned up some unnecesarry code.
            00:40 - Added a very challenging level.
18.02.2016, 23:48 - Fixed sound effects was not slowing down.
17.02.2016, 18:39 - Holding Left or Right now bends the time while watching a replay.
            12:39 - Music now volumes down when game is paused.
                    Changed default gamepad hook button from RB to X.
                    Disabled the title voice "Remnants of Naezith".
            03:03 - Cleaned up unnecesarry images.
                    Made the code semi-ready for multiple tilesets.
16.02.2016, 17:01 - Fixed maximum sound count limit was broken.
                    Lightning effect now shakes the camera.
                    Levitating particles are now evenly distributed in every level.
                    Rendering levitating particles now behind the level.
                    Added 0.9 - 1.1 pitch randomization for hook shooting sound.
            13:05 - Removed unnecesarry I/O tasks (saving/loading files) of the replay system. 
            12:09 - Polished turret & bullet looks.
            11:41 - Editor level name textboxes clear themself on level change now.
15.02.2016, 19:10 - Added 16 new inner corner tiles.
14.02.2016, 00:55 - Renamed Continue to Back in Leaderboard.
                    Fixed Leaderboard button helper's position in Custom Levels screen.
                    Fixed Ghost was not totally disappearing at Reset.
13.02.2016, 23:53 - Fixed Replay was getting broken because turret was detecting the player while spawning.
                    Added Shortcuts for Retry and Continue in Leaderboard screen.
                    Made the Watching: replay text more visible.
                    Increased row spacing to avoid button image collision.
            17:36 - Changed the menu background level.
                    Optimized the main shader.
                    Reduced water effects for now and it's drawn behind the level.
02.02.2016, 14:20 - Added a new official level that introduces dash and dash-jump, bravestar.
            14:07 - Added button images to menus.
01.02.2016, 22:01 - Fixed ghost was not there when you play the level from level selection.
            17:50 - Fixed a bug that brought by the last fix.
30.01.2016, 17:50 - Fixed a bug that fade to black function was called multiple times in menus. (Thanks to decldev for reporting)
            17:28 - Added Gamepad and Keyboard button images.
                    Added more instructions to help the beginners.
            00:04 - Added some monolog Naezith texts.
29.01.2016, 19:19 - Fixed bubbles wasn't showing sometimes.
                    Water reflection is now shorter.
28.01.2016, 14:02 - Added dynamic legs to swing/jump states.
27.01.2016, 20:58 - Shadow's opacity now depends on the height.
            17:11 - Fixed shadow was dropping onto front blades.
                    Added new swinging arm sprites, including hook holding(passive) and beam holding one(active).
                    Tweaked fake shadow code a little.
                    Made the moving blade stick outline thinner and brighter.
                    Player's fake shadow is now casted a little backwards.
            00:31 - Added fake shadows.
26.01.2016, 18:00 - Added a different color for non-played levels in Level Selection.
                    Added level name on every node in Level Selection.
            15:34 - Removed useless server queries and optimized them. <- Very big effect on the server traffic
            13:34 - Fixed ghost was not working if player had rank 11.
                    Optimized leaderboard fetching calls.
                    Fixed little leaderboard bugs.
            08:19 - Fixed name of the ghost was visible on leaderboard.
                    Fixed player's line's color was wrong in other pages than first one.
                    Fixed it was not selecting player's line automaticly on first launch of the leaderboard.
25.01.2016, 21:29 - Fixed leaderboard was opening wrong pages bugs.
            18:43 - Recoded fade to black effect and used it more frequently for smoother changes.
            08:26 - Optimized the Level Selection, it only fetchs data at login now.
                    Polished the look a little.
            06:53 - Fixed username in menus was colliding with some texts.
            06:50 - Level Selection is publicly open again.
            06:30 - Fixed bugs of the Level Selection.
                    Polished the Level Selection.
                    Changed the whole system of Level Selection to work online.
                    Disabled access to some levels in Custom Levels section.
24.01.2016, 13:42 - Fixed arms, eye and body was desyncingin animations. Now they are very solid.
23.01.2016, 12:10 - Fixed Hook trail does not get removed when returned to menus.
            11:54 - Tweaked the water limits and values again, it's harder now.
            10:18 - Added Lightning Strike Quality option in Settings.
            02:33 - Fixed Holding left right was breaking the animation.
            02:13 - Removed the decimal point from movement speed indicator and polished the HUD.
            01:13 - Hid the double jump indicator for now.
                    Fixed Lightning effect Render Texture does not resize.
22.01.2016, 06:53 - RESET/RELAPSE pop-up text colors are now red.
21.01.2016, 17:19 - Added new turret and rocket textures.
                    Editor: Changed default rocket speed, range, time and delay.
            08:16 - Optimized lightning effect, FPS won't drop much anymore.
                    Checkpoint sprite is now white.
                    Added a little bit vignette effect.
                    Changed some menu colors.
                    Tweaked RGB Split effect.
                    Popping texts are now ultra smooth.
                    Added RESET and RELAPSE popping texts.
20.01.2016, 17:46 - Interpolated lightning effect color.
                    Interpolated READY, GO texts' size and alpha.
                    Some small animation fixes.
            15:43 - Added backflip animation plays if your speed is > 900 in Y axis after swing.
                    Added an animation between Standing and Running.
                    Fixed a big bug that animation arms were not synced with the body.
            13:09 - Character now doesn't idle swing hooks if rolling/backflipping/spinning.
            13:03 - Added wallsliding pose with separated arms.
            10:52 - Polished brake animation.
                    Added new stand pose with separated arms.
            09:44 - Added brake animation.
            08:41 - Added new fast-running animation with separated arms.
            00:17 - Added terminator-style spawn animation.
19.01.2016, 19:24 - Added text pop up sound.
            16:22 - Made the all text HD, independant from resolution.
                    Added READY!, GO! texts that pop up.
                    Shrinked the checkpoint sign a little.
                    Increased RGB split amount.
                    Optimized lightning effect.
                    Volumed down the earth step sound from 100 to 60.
            01:19 - Removed no walljump functionality.
18.01.2016, 04:53 - Fixed blackscreen was not properly working at first load of the level.
            04:16 - Fixed a crash occurs with Upload level - Custom Level - Play - CRASH
17.01.2016, 20:05 - Added backflip and roll animations for dash.
            07:10 - Fixed loading and checking version screens were black.
            06:07 - Fixed hook length was so short when V-Sync was on.
            02:24 - Removed text shake in menu.
                    Random pitch for rocket sounds was crashing the game. (0.8 - 1.2)
16.01.2016, 00:28 - Added "Remnants of Naezith" voice at opening of the game.
                    Tweaked all sounds and balanced volumes.
                    Beam humming and hook spinning sounds are now dynamic.
                    Optimized hook trail rendering.
15.01.2016, 08:49 - Fixed a big bug about volume scaling.
            07:18 - Removed running sound loop.
                    Added mud step sound.
                    Added metal step sound.
                    Synced steps with step sounds, depending on the surface.
                    Interaction with metal surface does not create dust particles anymore.
                    Added water jump sound.
                    Added water contact sound.
                    Sound pitches are mostly randomized now to create variation.
14.01.2016, 23:15 - Made the menu texts scroll with background.
            20:55 - Eye glows are a little more dynamic.
                    Some small visual tweaks for hooks.
            19:12 - Smoothed the hook trail using Bezier Curve.
            18:04 - Added new vector art hook sprites.
                    Added dash/double jump spin animation.
            03:51 - Fixed a deadly bug that fresh client was not going into login menu.
13.01.2016, 22:00 - Added slow running animation.
12.01.2016, 08:27 - Fixed ghost player was not refreshing when he is beaten.
            07:45 - Added dash jump sound.
            02:14 - Added double-jump indicator to HUD.
11.01.2016, 22:51 - Added dash-jump ability.
                    Made the water more noob-friendly.
            22:03 - Quick and bad fix for water bleeding, real fix doesn't worth the time I already spent.
            20:56 - Added water particles.
            11:33 - Lightning effect is not getting removed when you quit to main menu.
            11:14 - Added camera distance option to Settings. 
                    Ghost now has rank and name on his head.
                    Ghost now is the player who is one rank better than you.
09.01.2016, 05:43 - Balanced the music volume.
08.01.2016, 11:03 - Removed the player level system.
07.01.2016, 18:08 - Fixed Ancient Temple level was crashing
            06:23 - Fixed when ambient sound will play.
                    Fixed zoom out was not working properly.
                    Changed default view height from 768 to 1080.
29.12.2015, 00:14 - Added top, left, bottom, right tile variations, thanks to decldev for preparing them.
27.12.2015, 21:55 - Enlarged the rocket sprite.
                    Volumed up the hook buzzing.
            21:26 - Added Bloom option.
25.12.2015, 18:43 - Fixed blur and water, but need to test.
24.12.2015, 22:44 - Optimized a little bit.
                    Added graphic settings to get more FPS on low-end machines.
22.12.2015, 23:26 - Going too fast was crashing the game because of the wind sound's pitch.
            22:37 - Tweaked the green and blue colors a little.
                    Lightning color depends on the last used hook.
                    Tweaked the lightning size and branching.
                    Volume changing precision is now 5.
            20:22 - Thunder effects now have a random pitch, they are volumed down 
                    and sound files also got truncated.
                    Hook sprite is more clear looking now.
21.12.2015, 15:22 - Fixed arm snapping while swinging.
                    Halved the thunder effect volumes.
            14:55 - Fixed idle swing arm rotation.
                    Fixed hook trail was appearing randomly on respawn.
            05:32 - Added lightning and thunder effects to tp in and out.
            00:47 - Added dynamic wind sound.
                    Changed death, spawn and ambient sounds.
20.12.2015, 16:50 - Fixed the vertical water bleeding and overlapping.
                    Tweaked the hud a little bit.
19.12.2015, 19:05 - Fixed checkpoint was spawning in wrong position.
                    Increased smoothness of the camera movement.
            14:34 - Tweaked the laser glow and thickness.
                    Fixed lightning effect was updating itself even when game is paused.
18.12.2015, 15:35 - Fixed laser placement once more, it was a little bit broken.
            02:09 - Now Editor puts lasers 1px away if they collide with the wall.
            01:28 - Improved the tracking laser.
                    Improved the hook trail visuality.
                    Fixed laser was being invisible sometimes.
                    Fixed laser raycasting, now it does not stop next to walls.
17.12.2015, 02:19 - Fixed laser was snapping.
16.12.2015, 21:35 - Added new decoration tiles.
                    Blood effect now stays a little bit more.
13.12.2015, 13:47 - Added sentry sprite.
12.12.2015, 17:29 - Added moving blade stick visibility option.
                    Fixed screenshotting was not working sometimes.
            15:49 - Fixed detected joystick id was always 0, caused Level Editor mode change was triggered by joystick.
            13:37 - Tweaked the moving blade collision-box size.
            01:52 - Increased character hitbox height from 36 to 48.
            00:23 - Fixed laser was invisible sometimes. 
11.12.2015, 20:53 - Changed moving blade's texture and spinning speed.
                    Changed the collision detection algorithm between character and (moving blades or accelerators) , it is a lot more precise now.
                    Added Show Leaderboard to ESC menu.
                    Jump key (Space by default) now passes the splash screen.
            00:54 - Direction is not changed when both left and right keys are held.
            00:26 - Dash direction is about movement speed now, like the old.
10.12.2015, 20:17 - Enabled RGB split effect again.
                    Fixed very old laptops could not handle the blur shader code.
            19:51 - Improved error reporting, now it saves the logs into crash_report.txt.
            07:09 - Added Depth of Field effect.
            02:35 - Character will no longer face to the movement direction when keys are not pressed.
09.12.2015, 01:40 - Fixed ambient sound was playing even in alt-tab.
                    Editor: Fixed player_spawn object was affected by accelerators.
                    Rendering blood in front of the character now.
                    Fixed ghost was making rock effect on jump.
                    Editor: Fixed character had flying animation even if he was groun.dash
                    Editor: Fixed very problematic bugs at the change between dev-mode and play-test modes.
                    EDitor: Fixed moving blades were not resetting at the level reset while playtesting.
                    Editor: Improved the menu background.
08.12.2015, 03:47 - Added shadow to texts.
                    Changed the size and transparency of the energy bar.
                    Improved GUI look.
                    Editor: Fixed it was allowing enter button until the playtest starts.
                    Added dynamic background for menus.
07.12.2015, 12:24 - Added alternative dash sound.
            01:58 - Removed the rock effect on toleranced ground jump.
            01:45 - Added decoration tiles.
05.12.2015, 22:48 - Blood effect on moving blades.
            18:45 - Fixed ESC menu was not getting black.
                    Editor: Added Undo(CTRL+Z) and Redo(CTRL+Y) back.
                    Editor: Added quick-save (CTRL+S)
                    Improved the hook glow, now its animating.
                    Removed vignette.
                    Improved overall performance.
            11:08 - Editor: Fixed some small bugs about parallax bg drawing.
            10:58 - Fixed the parallax amount of tile layers.
            03:10 - Added static and parallax tile background layers.
04.12.2015, 20:41 - Improved parallax background movement and added Y axis too.
                    Increased parallax image quality 3x.
                    Increased layer count from 3 to 8.
                    Fixed laser's small visual bug.
                    Spike tile hitbox is 0.5x0.5 again.
02.12.2015, 20:21 - Fixed water objects were overlapping eachother.
            08:18 - Changed the parallax background.
01.12.2015, 23:01 - Editor: Fixed water object was crashing the game.
                    Added Screenshot button, F12.
            21:38 - Enchanced the water visuals.
            21:21 - Added temporary parallax background.
30.11.2015, 10:34 - Editor: Tile erasing is also working as continious lines now, no spaces.
                    Bottom edge of the level kills.
                    Your head bumps top of the level 2 tiles higher than before.
29.11.2015, 12:34 - Editor: Fixed it was not adding single tile.
                    Added more tile variations to the tileset. (Thanks decldev!)
            04:04 - Removed camera shake on rocket hit.
                    Editor: Fixed homing turret cursor was invisible.
28.11.2015, 02:22 - Made the water feel thicker.
            02:07 - Fixed animation snaps when swinging back and forth.
            01:22 - Fixed old toggle lasers were twice faster than normal.
27.11.2015, 11:41 - Added BEAM STYLE(Line, Lightning, Both) option into settings.
                    Added optimized Tile-based static shadows.
                    Added color to player when dashing.
                    Shrunk the spike tile hitbox.
                    Fixed hook glow was not synced with the hook's position.
                    Removed lightning effect from lasers.
                    Optimized beams and lightning effects of them.
                    Optimized the FPS when there is not any water on screen.
                    Generally optimized the object arrays.
                    Generally increased the FPS.
                    Fixed camera position was snapping on ESC.
                    Fixed a crash caused by the new Toggling laser creation.
                    Tile shadows now rendered after player so shadow will drop on player.
                    Fixed Custom Levels menu was showing the ranks in levels you did not play wrong.
                    Custom Levels menu now remembers the last selected level for cursor.
25.11.2015, 01:27 - Added on & off time for Toggle laser.
                    Fixed a bug on calculating angles of vectors.
24.11.2015, 02:24 - Added Resetting clock after loadings and stuff to prevent freezes.
22.11.2015, 15:45 - Added music playlist looping.
                    Added Remnants of Naezith OST - Breakthrough
            15:17 - Fixed Zoom in & out was affecting the GUI.
            03:03 - Editor: Connect the tiles when drawing with tiles.
21.11.2015, 00:54 - Added Custom Level Search Settings.
                    Fixed Ghost was falling when he finished the level.
20.11.2015, 15:57 - Fixed Ghost's arms and hook was invisible.
            03:16 - Fixed hook was not reaching the player if player was so fast.
                    Fixed some interpolation bugs.
                    Added logger which saves notifications to debug.txt.
                    Removed replays folder.
                    Fixed hook and character arm animation bugs.
                    Changed Back button behavior on Scorescreen.
                    Fixed couple other little bugs.
                    Fixed tracking laser was not functioning.
                    Added slow-motion, but not using it yet.
                    Fixed Water logic bug.
                    Improved the player line button in Scoreboard.
                    Fixed Water's color was so blue that it was not easy to see, its temporarily red now.
                    Changed default Vertical Sync value is now ON, game is a lot smoother like this.
                    Fixed Offline Mode was requesting Login without internet.
                    Increased hook launch speed from 2250 to 2750.
18.11.2015, 04:23 - Optimized angle and absolute value calculations and some other stuff.
                    Fixed Player's and Ghost's couple visual bugs.
                    Fixed sometimes variable height was not working and it was causing replays to desync.
17.11.2015, 14:22 - Improved the GUI.
            04:37 - Added Custom Levels "Played By", also sorts with that.
                    Changed look of Leaderboard and Custom Levels 
            01:50 - Hook and arms of character and ghost are broken when hook level is 1 or 2.
                    Changed the visuals of Character ability levels.
15.11.2015, 15:46 - Blocked story mode entrance.
            15:28 - Fixed Upload Level and Delete Level were not functioning correctly.
            14:12 - Fixed the crash that happens in Menus.
            02:50 - Changed some speed constants to experiment new values.
                    Did tons of optimization.
                    Fixed tons of bugs, specially about interpolation.
                    Fixed easing function was not properly working.
                    Added V-Sync option into Settings.
14.11.2015, 04:04 - Added Interpolation to make everything a lot smoother.
                    Fixed a small visual bug about hook.
13.11.2015, 00:05 - Changed the tileset and put a temporary background.
26.10.2015, 02:10 - Fixed Reset button was not resetting after you die.
                    Fixed texts of Loading and Checking version screens.
25.10.2015, 22:15 - Editor: F5 refreshes the tile-set.
                    Editor: Added middle tile variety.
21.10.2015, 14:29 - Editor: Fixed dynamicly generated lights were getting saved in huge amount unnecesarrily.
                    Editor: Optimized styling when filling an area with tiles.
            10:32 - Editor: Optimized tile-styling, it is A LOTfaster now.
                    Editor: Disabled Undo/Redo until I optimize it, because it is a disturbingly heavy task for now.
            00:40 - Editor: Fixed camera was not moving while zooming.
20.10.2015, 23:38 - Editor: Fixed some little bugs about Zoom.
                    Disabled lights again because loading time takes too long and huge level sizes need too much memory.
            21:38 - Editor: Added Zoom.
19.10.2015, 17:48 - Optimized and enabled the lights again.
18.10.2015, 13:55 - Fixed tile bleeding.
                    Camera shows always the same height of view now.
                    Editor: Fixed the hook band selection cursor was not snapping to grid.
17.10.2015, 02:03 - Made the stamina bar thinner.
            01:56 - Beautified checkpoint image and size.
                    Rendering everything smoother now.
                    Added water visuals.
                    Added RGB split effect on death.
                    Fixed camera was scrolling to the checkpoint after death, now its instant.
14.10.2015, 17:57 - Fixed some pixel-perfect rendering issues and pixel-shaking HUD.
                    Made the stamina bar visually better, enlarged the back-bar and it's red when there isn't enough energy to dash.
            14:39 - Fixed hook-pull while accelerating hook-band was doing some weird stuff.
                    Fixed hook-band was dragging the character even through walls.
                    Changed the dash mechanic to old style, which boosts only to left or right because it seems to be more consistent.
                    Increased ambient volume.
                    Fixed character was going through walls at very high speed (Almost impossible to reach without accelerator/jump-pad).
                    Fixed character was going through walls while swinging and hitting to some wall in a rare way.
                    Fixed arm/hand positions were coming from a frame behind.
11.10.2015, 15:12 - Removed frame-rate limiting.
                    Fixed wall-sliding to air frame changing when hook is active.
            23:58 - Editor: Stick of the moving blades are now clickable in any way
                    Editor: Added object moving (Hold M + Click and Drag)
08.10.2015, 10:51 - Increased wall-jump detection range from 1 pixel to 5 pixels.
                    Optimized Lasers.
                    Optimized the tile-map.
07.10.2015, 11:12 - Added new music, Infernal!
                    Improved rotating arms.
            19:43 - Editor: Fixed player's scale was broken, when using Player Spawn object.
                    Fixed it was not displaying "Checking the version" and "Loading" at launch of the game.
                    Fixed one of hooks was at wrong hand in teleport in and out animations.
                    Disabled light system, it increased the FPS from 16 to 120-150 at my laptop.
                    Fixed character's opacity was flashing while teleporting in or out.
                    Deleted homing turret's detection area circle, which was killing the FPS like -50 FPS each if its big.
                    Changed homing turret's time and range indicators, it is prettier now.
06.10.2015, 11:03 - Fixed angle of the hook in running animation.
                    Changed arm rotating code to use tweening.
            10:18 - Decreased swing range from 32 to 24.
                    Added wall-sliding animation.
                    Added dynamic arms.
                    Added hook and thin beam to the ghost to see what he does better.
05.10.2015, 07:41 - Changed the character sprite.
30.09.2015, 11:48 - Levels list does not automaticly go to first page any more.
                    Added checkpoint and death signs.
29.09.2015, 10:56 - Fixed game was not rendering hook band when it's point are out of the window.
27.09.2015, 18:27 - Optimized hook band rendering.
            13:44 - Fixed Hook band - Non-grappling tile landing was giving amazing speed boost.
                    Changed dash behaviour, now it gives boost to also vertical, not only to horizontal.
26.09.2015, 22:02 - Editor: Fixed player spawn snapping.
24.09.2015, 12:02 - Fixed config.cfg must create itself if it does not exist.
            11:30 - Fixed the gamepad binds in menu: B as back.
            10:53 - Stacked the bubbles.
            10:30 - Editor: Fixed snapping.
            09:47 - Fixed gamepad is not detected sometimes.(Not verified if it is really fixed)
23.09.2015, 18:10 - Added temporary checkpoint visual.
22.09.2015, 20:03 - Fixed it was not submitting the replay after logout and register/login again.
            18:58 - Added deleting uploaded level by name.
            17:38 - Added color indicator for acceleration of band. Yellow(0) to Magenta(600)
            17:26 - Fixed hook particles were spawning on wrong line.
            17:09 - Fixed "leader-boards button" on non-level rows was crashing the game.
            15:12 - Fixed the replay was de-syncing sometimes.
            03:08 - Fixed load text-box character limit is too low to type long names.
            02:34 - Fixed It takes a click on mini-map after its hidden.
            01:51 - Fixed camera was not pointing on the character at first load of the level.
            00:48 - Added bubbles to Water.
21.09.2015, 19:39 - Fixed the hook pull on the hook band.
            18:37 - Fixed area selection at screen edges at snap 16 and 1 was not going to the end.
            01:25 - Removed manual off-line mode option.
20.09.2015, 17:39 - Fixed area-fill was crashing the game if map was huge.
            13:37 - Fixed hook swing range and lightning placement.
            01:35 - Extended the hook trail.
                    Changed the point of the hook visually lands.
                    Hook is working as fully ray-cast now. 
19.09.2015, 18:44 - Fixed the ray cast algorithm, it also fixed the hook was missing the bands.
            16:33 - Editor: Fixed Hook Band was crashing the game.
                    Fixed Default resolution was wrong for some screens.
                    Fixed a small bug about auto-login.
            12:05 - Added Hook Band(V) object.
                    Fixed hook pull when hook is landed on the hook band.
                    Editor: Fixed the crash when an invalid name entered to load.
                    Fixed it was trying to upload level when it shouldn't.
                    Fixed "no grappling" tile was grappling sometimes.
            02:58 - Fixed save function was saving with wrong name inside level file.
                    Compressed level files, an empty 1000x1000 level was ~1.9MB, now its ~367 bytes.
                    Compressed all old uploaded levels with these settings.
                    Polished the level "classy".
18.09.2015, 14:44 - Enhanced the water's blue gradient.
17.09.2015, 23:42 - Enhanced the water graphics.
            15:27 - Object on cursor is now hidden while copying properties. (Hold C + Click)
                    Fixed Checkpoint label after copy properties was showing 1 instead of "Right".
16.09.2015, 19:16 - Added Custom Level section.
                    Added auto-loginning.
                    Added - to the usable character set.
                    Changed file save names from "levelname.ronm" to "authorname-levelname".
                    Fixed homing turret's laser was pointing to 0,0 in level editor.
                    Fixed player's eye glow was still visible even if he is invisible.
                    Increased hook beam particle count.
            03:39 - Non-solid tiles are light emitters now.
                    Added glow to hooks.
                    Blood and hook particles now won't collide with solid tiles.
                    Fixed MOUSE4 and MOUSE5 were crashing the game.
                    Added Vignette, motion blur(disabled for now) and rgb split(disabled for now) effects 
14.09.2015, 14:26 - config.cfg is now have JSON format.
                    Changed leave wall timer's time from 100ms to 200ms. Means easier walljump when
                    you jump against the wall.
            00:46 - Added game icon.
                    Improved lights and enabled it again.
13.09.2015, 01:09 - Fixed a visual bug of hook trail.
12.09.2015, 10:23 - Editor: Added "Upload Level".
            09:11 - Added a new GUI Widget: Label.
                    Added "Close" button to GUI Window.
                    Added Open/Close sounds to GUI Window.
                    Improved the Hold Backspace function for erasing a text.
                    Improved the protection of the level file's structure.
            02:53 - Improved the hook's swinging feel.
11.09.2015, 16:26 - Improved spike auto-tiling.
                    Replaced brick with steel beams(jet fuel does not melt), and auto-tiling for it.
10.09.2015, 13:52 - Fixed distorted rendering of textures.
                    Fixed the tile-bleeding.
                    Changed all std::maps to std::unordered_maps
09.09.2015, 15:40 - Fixed the speed-boost of corner hits when hooked.
08.09.2015, 01:06 - Added good amount of vertical parallax scrolling for background.
                    Disabled vertical parallax scrolling for background.
07.09.2015, 15:47 - Improved homing turret visuals when turret tracks you.
            15:17 - Added detection area and reaction time to homing rockets.
                    Added visual detection area and cool-down indicators to homing rockets.
05.09.2015, 21:24 - Changed level files from "garbage" to JSON.
04.09.2015, 17:23 - Editor: Fixed a crash when there isn't __tmplvl file.
            03:37 - Added experimental parallax backgrounds.
                    Disabled lights for experimenting parallax backgrounds.
                    Improved the general game code.
                    Editor: Fixed all the memory leak, specially the one.
03.09.2015, 11:10 - Editor: Fixed 25 Changes was crashing the game.
                    Improved memory management.
                    Changed all of the raw pointers to smart pointers to prevent memory leaking.
                    Added simultaneously playing sound instance limit of 150.
                    Non-homing bullets are now getting removed when they go out of the level.
02.09.2015, 14:52 - Editor: Fixed holding Left and Right mouse buttons at the same time putting/erasing tiles non-stop.
                    Removed the lastModified.ronm file, __tmplvl.ronm does the same work, and more.
                    Area fill now also can change the type of a whole block of tiles. 
            11:17 - Rockets are now getting affected by accelerators.
            00:48 - Editor: Added Copy Object Properties.
                    Editor: Added 25 Undo limit.
                    Fixed some particles were not getting cleared at level resets.
01.09.2015, 21:08 - Fixed levitating particles were not spawning at the borders of the level.
                    Editor: Fixed right click on an object was clearing all the objects, not only one.
                    Level borders are now copy of the nearest tile, 
                        width is 2 tiles. (Still looks good when camera shake occurs, 
                        it does not show empty area when camera shows the outside of the level)
                    Added invisible wall around of the level.
                    Editor: Fixed it was not styling the level border tiles.
            18:53 - Custom and official levels are now separate.
                    Fixed jump pads were hidden.
                    Fixed Water was disabling double jump.
                    Editor: Added Option to make Moving Blades behind or in front of the level.
                    Changed the change log's date format.
            16:48 - Editor: Changed the behaviour on determining the author.
            15:38 - Editor: Added Redo(CTRL + Y).
30.08.2015, 23:37 - Fixed Accelerator UP stops the character going up.
                    Editor: Fixed it was not saving the last change.
            02:59 - Editor: Fixed Undo was not undoing Area Erase.
            02:38 - Editor: Added Undo, Area Fill/Erase.
.  Unfortunately, I did not log the first year.
04.08.2014, --:-- - Started the project.