I am having high ping recently, and I can see it in Team Fortress 2
, Left 4 Dead
. For example a European server I get 105 ms
, but it should be 50-70
. So I started looking for solutions.
I already have ExpressVPN
, and connecting to Germany Frankfurt
helps a little, making it go down to 90
. Similar with Dashlane Password Manager's VPN
, which is provided by Hotspot Shield
. Both were freezing from time to time, ExpressVPN
for 20 seconds
every couple minutes and Hotspot Shield
for 3 seconds
every minute.
I saw WTFast
before, offering better routes to the servers than the ones ISP provides. So I started the trial, tried many options and did many tests. Lowest ping was 70
which is really good but it was hanging for a long time as well, around 20 seconds
. This is unacceptable so I removed it.
I looked for alternatives and found ExitLag
, and it is amazing. Allowing me to add maximum of 4 routes
, best combination is 1 TCP
and 3 UDP
I think, since FPS games work with UDP
. And TCP
is there for other stuff, I’ve heard that Overwatch
uses it sometimes.
is a lot easier to use than anything else because it shows me more useful information about latency, paths etc. Ping went from 105
to 53-61
and zero freezes
, it is just perfect
Even though ExitLag
has over 400 games
including Team Fortress 2
, it did not have Left 4 Dead
, and that was a big deal breaker for me. However I know that TF2
and L4D
are using the same game engine, Source Engine.
I know that TF2 executable is hl2.exe
so I thought ExitLag
was just looking for that name. I renamed left4dead.exe
to hl2.exe
but it did not launch, saying Setup file 'gameinfo.txt' doesn't exist in subdirectory 'hl2'. Check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting
. Then I made a basic shortcut to the hl2.exe
and added the -game left4dead
to the shortcut path. It worked, but launching the game from Steam is looking for left4dead.exe
. So I didn’t go with this route since I want to put game launch options at Steam like -novid -lv
To solve all these, I renamed left4dead.exe
to hl2.exe
and then I ran CMD as Administrator
. Then I ran mklink "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead.exe" "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\hl2.exe"
. It made a shortcut called left4dead.exe
(not left4dead.exe.lnk
) which points to the renamed hl2.exe
Steam was able to find and launch left4dead.exe
and even apply -novid -lv -freq 280 -noborder -fullscreen
launch options. And yes, ExitLag
detected Left 4 Dead
as Team Fortress 2
and worked the same way!
I thought it would be good to save this experience here, for future myself or a random stranger.
Edit: ExitLag froze for couple seconds only once during a long match. Also had very rare ping spikes.
I tried VPNGame
after writing the post, it’s also really good alternative to ExitLag. Ping is near ExitLag
. It does not have trial but it’s possible to purchase 1-Day which is ultimately cheap, 12 RUB
. And monthly payment is only $2
so I will probably prefer this instead of $6.50
subscription. I did not have any freezes so far. Though some servers did not connect, I don’t know why. This has an option to add a custom executable which is great, like left4dead.exe